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English-German translation for: REM-Latenz
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Dictionary English German: REM Latenz

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NOUN   die REM-Latenz | -
med. REM latency <REML>REM-Latenz {f} <REML>
Partial Matches
phys. unit rem <rem> [archaic] [1 rem = 0.01 sievert]Rem {n} <rem> [veraltet]
MedTech. phys. unit roentgen / röntgen equivalent (in) men <rem>biologisches Röntgenäquivalent {n} <rem>
optics phys. (scanning) reflection electron microscope <SREM/REM>Reflexionselektronenmikroskop {n} <REM>
optics phys. (scanning) reflection electron microscope <SREM/REM>Rückstrahlelektronenmikroskop {n} <REM>
med. sleep onset REM <SOREM>vorzeitiger REM-Schlaf {m}
med. non-REM sleepNicht-REM-Schlaf {m}
med. rapid eye movement <REM>REM-Schlaf {m}
med. REM sleepREM-Schlaf {m}
REM statementREM-Anweisung {f}
med. rapid eye movement period <REM period, REMP>REM-Periode {f} <REMP>
med. rapid eye movement sleep <REM sleep>REM-Schlaf {m}
latencyLatenz {f}
med. non-REM phase <NREM phase>Nicht-REM-Phase {f} <NREM-Phase>
ad rem {adv}ad rem
med. REM phaseREM-Phase {f}
law in remdinglich
ad rem {adv}zur Sache (gehörend)
law action in remdingliche Klage {f}
law in rem jurisdictiondinglicher Gerichtsstand {m}
law in rem jurisdictionsachenrechtliche Zuständigkeit {f}
med. non-REM sleep <NREM sleep>Non-REM-Schlaf {m} <NREM-Schlaf>
acad. RealEst. real estate management <REM>Immobilienwirtschaft {f}
law right in remdingliches Recht {n}
law jurisdiction quasi in remVermögenszuständigkeit {f}
math. boundary element method <BEM>Randelementmethode {f} <REM>
phys. cryo-SEM techniqueKryo-REM-Technik {f}
optics phys. scanning electron microscope <SEM>Rasterelektronenmikroskop {n} <REM>
scanning electron microscopy <SEM>Rasterelektronenmikroskopie {f} <REM>
educ. hist. Reich Ministry of EducationReichserziehungsministerium {n} <REM>
ad rem {adv} [literary]zur Sache gehörig [Redewendung]
law in rem jurisdictionGerichtsstand {m} der belegten Sache
law jurisdiction quasi in remGerichtsstand {m} des Vermögens
law quasi in rem jurisdictionGerichtsstand {m} des Vermögens
optics phys. scanning transmission electron microscope <STEM>Transmissionsrasterelektronenmikroskop {n} <TM-REM>
material phys. rare-earth magnet <REM> [also: rare earth magnet]Seltenerdmagnet {m}
ecol. educ. resource and environmental management <REM>Ressourcen- und Umweltmanagement {n} <RUM>
optics phys. field emission scanning electron microscope <FESEM>Feldemissionsrasterelektronenmikroskop {n} <FE-REM>
lit. F Rem World [Rodman Philbrick]Die Legende vom Ende der Welt
phys. low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy <LVSEM, LV-SEM>Niedervakuum-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie {f} <NV-REM>
phys. low-temperature scanning electron microscopy <LTSEM, LT-SEM>Niedrigtemperatur-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie {f} <NTREM, NT-REM>
med. non-REM phase <NREM phase>Non-REM-Phase {f} <NREM-Phase>
med. rapid eye movement sleep <REM sleep>paradoxer Schlaf {m}
material phys. rare-earth magnet <REM> [also: rare earth magnet]Seltene-Erden-Magnet {m}
That's beside the point.ad rem nil facit [es tut nichts zur Sache, gehört nicht dazu]
med. sleep-onset / sleep onset REMs <SOREMs>Schlaf-Beginn-REM {pl}
med. sleep-onset / sleep onset rapid eye movement <SOREM> phaseSchlaf {m} mit Beginn der REM-Phase
audio real-ear / real ear measurement <REM>Echtohrmessung {f}
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