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Dictionary English German: RS

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NOUN   an R | Rs
ling. spelling
Rechtschreibung {f} <RS>
geogr. Serbia <.rs>
Serbien {n}
2 Words: Others
electr. grey/pink {adj} [Br.] [color code]grau-rosa <gr/rs> [Farbcode]
electr. pink/black {adj} [color code]rosa-schwarz <rs/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. pink/blue {adj} [color code]rosa-blau <rs/bl> [Farbcode]
electr. pink/brown {adj} [color code]rosa-braun <rs/br> [Farbcode]
electr. pink/green {adj} [color code]rosa-grün <rs/gn> [Farbcode]
electr. pink/red {adj} [color code]rosa-rot <rs/rt> [Farbcode]
electr. white/pink {adj} [color code]weiß-rosa <ws/rs> [Farbcode]
electr. yellow/pink {adj} [color code]gelb-rosa <ge/rs> [Farbcode]
2 Words: Nouns
FireResc jobs med. ambulance officer [Br.]Rettungssanitäter {m} <RettSan, RS>
comp. computer interface <CI>Rechnerschnittstelle {f} <RS, RSS>
curr. Mauritius rupee <MUR, Rs>Mauritius-Rupie {f} <MUR, Rs>
quiet sleep <QS>ruhiger Schlaf {m} <RS> [auch med.]
entom. radial sector <Rs>Radialsektor {m} <Rs>
chem. radical substitution <RS>radikalische Substitution {f} <SR>
optics phys. Raman spectroscopy <RS>Raman-Spektroskopie {f} <RS> [auch: Ramanspektroskopie]
Rayleigh scatter <RS>Rayleigh-Streuung {f} <RS>
Rayleigh scattering <RS>Rayleigh-Streuung {f} <RS>
rejection sampling <RS>Verwerfungsmethode {f}
rejection sampling <RS>Acceptance-Rejection-Verfahren {n}
comp. pharm. QM release specification <RS>Freigabespezifikation {f}
rent support <RS>Mietzuschuss {m} <MZ>
biol. reproductive success <RS>Fortpflanzungserfolg {m}
QM requirement specification <RS>Lastenheft {n} <LH>
comp. econ. QM requirements specification <RS>Anforderungskatalog {m} <AK> [Lastenheft]
QM requirements specification <RS>Lastenheft {n} <LH>
acad. naut. research ship <RS>Forschungsschiff {n} <FS>
chem. resistant starch <RS>resistente Stärke {f} <RS>
anat. med. respiratory system <RS>respiratorisches System {n} <RS>
med. pharm. retrospective study <RS>Retrospektivstudie {f}
med. pharm. retrospective study <RS>retrospektive Studie {f} <RS>
textil. right side <RS> [e.g. knitting]Außenseite {f} [z. B. eines Strickstücks]
med. Roberts syndrome <RS>Roberts-Syndrom {n} <RS>
med. Robinow syndrome <RS>Robinow-Syndrom {n} <RS>
med. Roemheld syndrome <RS>Roemheld-Syndrom {n}
med. Ross' syndrome <RS> [also Ross syndrome]Ross-Syndrom {n}
med. Rotor syndrome <RS> [also Rotor's syndrome]Rotor-Syndrom {n}
Royal Society <RS> [Br.]Königliche Gesellschaft {f} [naturwissenschaftlicher Verein]
3 Words: Nouns
AS/RS (area)Hochregallagerbereich {m}
med. electrical muscle stimulation <EMS>Reizstrom {m} <RS>
mil. military training schoolRekrutenschule {f} <RS> [schweiz.]
astron. phys. Randall-Sundrum modelRandall-Sundrum-Modell {n} <RS-Modell>
comp. math. telecom. Reed-Solomon code <RS code>Reed-Solomon-Code {m} <RS-Code>
return activated sludge <RAS>Rücklaufschlamm {m} <RS>
med. Reye's / Reye syndrome <RS>Reye-Syndrom {n} <RS>
textil. right side row <RS row> [knitting]Hinreihe {f} [Stricken]
curr. Sri Lankan rupee <LKR, Rs.>Sri-Lanka-Rupie {f} <LKR, Rs.>
educ. the 'three Rs' [reading, writing and arithmetic][die Grundfertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen]
ling. the Rs / R'sdie R {pl}
MedTech. X-ray spectroscopy <XRS>Röntgenspektroskopie {f} <RS>
4 Words: Nouns
meteo. rain and / with snow <rs> [Br.]Schneeregen {m}
electr. reset-set flip-flop <RS flip-flop>RS-Flipflop {n} <RS-FF>
5+ Words: Nouns
every alt / alternating RS row [knitting]jede 2. Hinreihe {f} [entspricht jeder 4. Reihe] [Stricken]
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A 2020-04-17: Grrr, perhaps - or with more rs...
A 2016-02-25: Probier's mal bei Conrad, Distrelec oder RS.
A 2015-07-16: Vor 1901 übrigens jeweils keine "Variante", sondern mW die einzig gültige Rs.
A 2015-04-05: to do the hono(u)rs
A 2013-08-13: Der RS-Duden hat beiläufig 1996 seine "Monopolstellung" verloren.
A 2013-08-01: :-) My cleber fingers are more likely to confusr Ds & Ss, Ds & Rs and Vs & Bs.
A 2012-06-25: Quark Brombeer Kuchen / http://www.chefkoch.de/rs/s0/brombeer+k%E4sekuche...
Q 2012-01-23: Do you know that abbreviation ?
A 2011-11-12: Why +But+ ...? That's all RR can do if the Rs are in the lead.
A 2009-09-29: nur die DIREKTE Anrede GROSS ? Also : dass Du dir deiner Fähigkeiten ? ...
A 2009-09-29: Lindas ist korrekt - entweder alles groß (alte Rechtschreibung) oder alles...
A 2009-09-09: However, this injunction is contestable, with the affected neighbo(u)rs co...
A 2009-08-19: Big Rs
A 2009-06-19: Wieso, Bacca, kriegt Herr Hagel im Altgriechischen die Rs nicht hin? So wi...
A 2009-05-06: Laut Wörterbuch hat Rs Auffassung auffallend viel für sich
A 2009-04-29: ...artificial flavo(u)rs - unless you're talking about smells
A 2009-04-13: Fehlerteufel: ..., *dass* (alte RS: daß) du dir die Zeit genommen hast. ( ...
Q 2008-11-19: Rz. 20 bis 24 des EBK-RS 06/6 erfüllen.
A 2008-10-22: mit einem "s" hinten: colo(u)rs
A 2008-08-28: I think it's about colo(u)rs running in the wash?

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