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English-German translation for: Race
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Dictionary English German: Race

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NOUN   a race | races
VERB  to race | raced | raced ... 
SYNO   race | subspecies | to race | to run ... 
to race
to race
rasen [sich schnell bewegen, auch Puls, Herz]
to race
brausen [sich schnell bewegen]
to race
laufen [in Eile]
automot. sports to race
fahren [ugs.] [fachspr.] [Motorsport]
to raceum die Wette rennen
race [ethnic group, species]
Rasse {f}
sports race
Rennen {n}
race [also fig.]
Wettlauf {m} [auch fig.]
sports race [on foot]
Wettrennen {n}
race [human race]
Geschlecht {n} [Menschengeschlecht / Menschheit]
race [fig.] [e. g. members of a profession, a nation etc.]
Menschenschlag {m}
tech. race
Laufring {m}
hydro. race [swift current]
Strömung {f} [rasch]
race [obs.] [fig.] [course of life]
Lebensbahn {f} [geh.] [Lebensverlauf, Lebensweg]
race [on foot] [also fig.]
Jagd {f} [Wettlauf] [auch fig.]
race [of sun, moon]
Lauf {m} [geh.] [Gestirne]
oenol. race [characteristic taste]
Aroma {n}
sports race [sailing]
Wettfahrt {f}
race [mill race]Gerinne {n}
agr. race [NZ] [Aus.] [Br.] [cattle]Treibgang {m} [Vieh]
race [urgent need, effort]Dringlichkeit {f}
2 Words: Others
race baiting {adj}rassenhetzerisch
race baiting {adj}volksverhetzend [gegen bestimmte Rassen]
race-based {adj}rassenbasiert
2 Words: Verbs
to race aboutherumrennen [ugs.]
to race against sb.mit jdm. um die Wette laufen
to race aroundherumhetzen [ugs.]
to race awaydavonziehen
to race offlosschießen [ugs.] [schnell loslaufen]
to race round sth.etw. umrennen [selten] [um etw. herumrennen]
Unverified to race sb. somewherejdn. schnellstmöglich irgendwohin bringen
to race through sth.durch etw.Akk. durchrasen
to race towards sth.etw.Dat. entgegenrasen
sports to race-walkgehen [als Leichtathletikdisziplin]
2 Words: Nouns
equest. (race) course [horse racing, orienteering]Bahn {f} [Pferderennen, Orientierungslauf]
automot. equest. sports (race) trackRennpiste {f}
air raceWettfliegen {n}
alien racefremde Rasse {f}
alpine raceAlpenrasse {f}
hist. Alpine raceostische Rasse {f} [Begriff der Rassenlehre, historisch]
mil. pol. armament raceRüstungswettbewerb {m}
mil. pol. armament raceRüstungswettlauf {m}
armaments raceRüstungswettbewerb {m}
mil. arms raceRüstungsspirale {f}
arms raceRüstungswettbewerb {m}
mil. pol. arms raceRüstungswettlauf {m}
arms raceRüstungswettstreit {m}
mil. pol. arms raceWettrüsten {n}
ethn. hist. Aryan racearische Rasse {f}
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Q 2023-05-12: race
A 2021-04-20: https://www.dict.cc/?s=arms+race
Q 2021-04-20: quiet arms race
A 2021-04-15: Hirtenlaufen > Shepherds' Race / Shepherdess(es') Race in a UK article. By...
A 2016-11-25: 20:27 LINK +The Racial Slur Database+ ::: Are Germans a race? Are there an...
A 2016-08-12: council - race you to the top
A 2016-06-02: +It's on+ could mean that the speaker is agreeing to the start of some kin...
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A 2014-11-16: wenn's um die ethnische Herkunft geht: of a foreign race
A 2014-01-15: You can also race with someone.
A 2014-01-15: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?tab=ww&ei=FHTWUoutK7Cz0QW0iIC4Aw&ved=0CBUQ1...
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A 2013-03-23: Looks like an interesting race . . .
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A 2012-06-10: "Boy" applied to an adult in current AE is often derogatory. In a race con...
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