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English-German translation for: Radio station
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Dictionary English German: Radio station

Translation 1 - 50 of 1340  >>

NOUN   a radio station | radio stations
SEE ALSO  radiostation
telecom. radio stationFunkstation {f}
mil. RadioTV radio stationFunkstelle {f} [Funkstation] <FuSt>
RadioTV radio stationHörfunksender {m}
RadioTV radio stationRadiosender {m} [Rundfunkanstalt]
RadioTV radio stationRadiostation {f}
RadioTV radio stationRundfunksender {m} [Sendeanstalt]
RadioTV radio stationRundfunkstation {f}
Keywords contained
RadioTV affiliate radio stationangeschlossene Rundfunkanstalt {f}
aircraft radio stationLuftfunkstelle {f}
amateur radio stationAmateurfunkstation {f}
coastal radio stationKüstenfunkstelle {f}
hist. enemy radio stationFeindsender {m}
RadioTV local radio stationRegionalsender {m} [Radio]
RadioTV pirate radio stationPiratensender {m}
RadioTV pirate radio stationSchwarzsender {m}
RadioTV private radio stationPrivatsender {m} [Rundfunk]
radio base stationMobilfunkbasisstation {f}
RadioTV radio broadcasting stationRundfunkstation {f}
mil. radio monitoring stationFunküberwachungsstelle {f}
RadioTV armed forces radio stationSoldatensender {m}
RadioTV classical music radio stationKlassiksender {m}
RadioTV long-wave radio stationLangwellensender {m}
RadioTV rock (music) radio stationRocksender {m} [Radiosender]
RadioTV to set the radio to a new stationeinen neuen Radiosender einstellen
Partial Matches
telecom. citizens band radio <CB radio>CB-Funk {m}
tech. decentral combined heat and power station <CHP station>Blockheizkraftwerk {n} <BHKW>
automot. electric vehicle charging station <EV charging station>Ladesäule {f} [Stromtankstelle]
automot. electric vehicle charging station <EV charging station>Ladestation {f} [Stromtankstelle]
EU compressed natural gas refuelling station <CNG, CNG refuelling station>Erdgastankstelle {f} <CNG>
RadioTV radioDudelkasten {m} [ugs.] [Radio]
telecom. radioFunk {m}
telecom. radioFunkgerät {n}
RadioTV radioHörfunk {m}
RadioTV radioRadio {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
RadioTV radioRadio {n}
RadioTV radioRundfunk {m}
RadioTV radioRundfunkempfänger {m}
RadioTV radioRundfunkgerät {n}
RadioTV radioRundspruch {m} [schweiz. für: Rundfunk] [veraltet]
radio {adj} [attr.]funktechnisch
telecom. to radio sb.jdn. anfunken
to radio sth.etw. drahtlos senden
to radio sth.etw. über Funk durchgeben
telecom. by radio {adv}durch Funk
telecom. by radio {adv}per Funk
telecom. by radio {adv}über Funk
radio-controlled {adj}ferngelenkt
radio-controlled {adj}ferngesteuert
tech. radio-controlled {adj}funkgeregelt
radio-controlled {adj}funkgesteuert
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Q 2018-01-25: Radio stations playing German 60s and 70s music
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A 2010-02-05: radio station?
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A 2009-04-16: Don't translate "Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk" - it's the name of the radio station
A 2004-09-07: radio station?

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