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English-German translation for: Ranking
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Dictionary English German: Ranking

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ADJ   ranking | more ranking | most ranking
NOUN   a ranking | rankings
VERB  to rank | ranked | ranked ... 
SYNO   higher-ranking | ranking | superior
NOUN   das Ranking | die Rankings
SYNO   Hierarchie | Positionierung ... 
ranking {adj}
ranking {adj}
ranking {adj} {pres-p}
ranking {adj} {pres-p}rangierend
ranking {adj}eine Stelle innehabend
Klassifizierung {f}
sports ranking
Rangliste {f}
Rangordnung {f}
sports ranking
Rangfolge {f}
Internet ranking
Platzierung {f}
ranking [process]
Einstufung {f}
Ranking {n}
sports rankingKlassement {n}
rankingReihung {f}
2 Words: Others
equal-ranking {adj}gleichrangig
equally ranking {adj}gleichrangig
high-ranking {adj}hochrangig
high-ranking {adj}ranghoch
high-ranking {adj}ranghohe
high-ranking {adj} [figure, etc.]hochgestellt [attr.] [hochrangig] [Persönlichkeit etc.]
higher-ranking {adj}höherrangig
higher-ranking {adj}ranghöher
comp. higher-ranking {adj}vorrangig
higher-ranking {adj}aus höherem Rang [nachgestellt]
highest-ranking {adj}höchstrangig
highest-ranking {adj}ranghöchst
low-ranking {adj}niederrangig
low-ranking {adj}rangtief
lower-ranking {adj}nachgeordnet
lower-ranking {adj}untergeordnet
lowest-ranking {adj}rangniedrigste
admin. mid-ranking {adj} [middle-ranking]mittelrangig
admin. mid-ranking {adj} [middle-ranking]von mittlerem Rang [nachgestellt]
admin. middle-ranking {adj}mittelrangig
middle-ranking {adj}rangmittlere
admin. middle-ranking {adj}von mittlerem Rang [nachgestellt]
top-ranking {adj}hochgestellt
top-ranking {adj}von hohem Stellenwert
top-ranking {adj} [official, politician, athlete, position etc.]Spitzen- [-funktionär, -politiker, -sportler, -position etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
best rankingBestplatzierung {f}
sports coefficient rankingKoeffizientenrangliste {f}
European rankingEuroparangliste {f}
sports final rankingEndklassement {n}
sports final rankingSchlussklassement {n}
job rankingEinstufung {f} einer Tätigkeit
sports overall rankingGesamtklassement {n}
fin. overall rankingGesamtranking {n}
overall rankingGesamtwertung {f}
sports ranking announcementRangverkündigung {f} [schweiz.] [Preisverteilung]
sports ranking listRangliste {f}
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A 2022-04-22: @kkava: Die Einen voten um ihr Ranking, den Anderen geht es um Qualität.
Q 2017-02-13: Ranking of languages according to the degree of difficulty
A 2016-01-30: not only low ranking
A 2016-01-30: if you mean a narrow-minded, low ranking official: Jack-in-office
A 2015-05-17: Not ranking very high regarding literary style
A 2014-08-21: "Ranking" is correct.
A 2014-08-21: tenure (track) ranking ?
A 2013-07-02: It was not about an ordinary soldier but about a high-ranking officer / to...
A 2011-04-26: German is spoken by 100 million people and is, afaik, ranking 10th in the ...
A 2010-08-16: @ddr: that's correct. So perhaps: "high-ranking military officers and gove...
A 2010-08-16: Agree with ksg. "Goldene Litze" means "high-ranking military officer." Bas...
Q 2010-08-11: senior/high-ranking/baton
A 2010-06-13: Abraham Lincoln - one of my personal top heroes (ranking high above Jesus ...
A 2010-02-22: I vote for separate ranking and against automatic deletion of unverified e...
Q 2009-11-20: Only the highest-ranking bacon bears the Danish stripes. You cant resist Danish.
A 2009-02-06: ? a good priority-ranking in the land register (GB) / register of deeds (US)
A 2009-01-20: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22high-ranking+personal...
A 2009-01-13: Consultant is just a title for a high ranking hospital doctor.
A 2008-11-27: There's 'company longevity,' sort of an employee ranking system.
A 2008-08-01: Das Alexa-Ranking kenne ich gut!

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