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English-German translation for: Red Herring
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Dictionary English German: Red Herring

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NOUN   a red herring | red herrings/red herring
SYNO   preliminary prospectus | red herring ... 
spec. red herringRed Herring {m}
gastr. red herringRäucherhering {m}
idiom red herringRoter Hering {m} [Ablenkungsmanöver]
gastr. red herring [smoked herring]Bückling {m}
red herring [fig.] [deceptive maneuver]Täuschungsmanöver {n}
red herring [fig.] [intended to be distracting]Ablenkungsmanöver {n}
red herring [fig.] [intended to be misleading]falsche Fährte {f}
idiom That's a red herring. [irrelevant]Das führt vom Thema ab.
to throw sb. a red herring [idiom]versuchen, jdn. in die Irre zu führen [Redewendung]
neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring [idiom]weder Fisch noch Fleisch [Redewendung]
red herring [fig.] [intended to be misleading]falsche Spur {f} [um jdn. in die Irre zu führen]
to draw a red herring across sb.'s track [idiom]jdn. an der Nase herumführen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
red herring [coll.] [diversion of attention from an item of significance]Finte {f} [geh.] [Ablenkungsmanöver]
red herring [fig.]Nebelkerze {f} [fig.]
Partial Matches
fish T
phys. Holstein-Herring methodHolstein-Herring-Methode {f}
fish gastr. T
Hering {m}
gastr. Bismarck herringBismarckhering {m}
fish fat herringFetthering {m}
gastr. fried herringBrathering {m}
herring barrelHeringsfass {n}
fish gastr. herring cutletsHeringshappen {pl}
gastr. herring filetHeringsfilet {n}
fish jobs herring fishermenHeringsfischer {pl}
fish herring fisheryHeringsfischerei {f}
fish FoodInd. herring mealHeringsmehl {n}
biol. fish gastr. herring miltHeringsmilch {f}
ecol. fish herring populationHeringsbestand {m}
fish herring seasonHeringszeit {f}
fish herring speciesHeringsart {f}
ecol. fish herring stockHeringsbestand {m}
gastr. pickled herringRollmops {m}
gastr. pickled herringSalzhering {m}
gastr. salted herringSalzhering {m}
fish small herringKleinhering {m}
gastr. smoked herringBückling {m}
gastr. smoked herringRäucherhering {m}
gastr. soused herringMatjes {m}
fish winter herringWinterhering {m}
fish T
gastr. bloated herringgeräucherter Hering {m}
fish herring catchHeringsfang {m} [Beute]
gastr. marinated herringmarinierter Hering {m}
FoodInd. gastr. smoked herringgeräucherter Hering {m}
gastr. (pickled) herring saladHeringssalat {m}
fish gastr. herring milt sauceMilchnersosse {f}
fish gastr. herring milt sauceMilchnertunke {f}
gastr. rolled pickled herringRollmops {m}
fish school of herringHeringsschwarm {m}
gastr. smoked herring filetBücklingsfilet {n}
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A 2021-08-10: oder: to follow a red herring
A 2020-06-03: Red herring created by Callixte
A 2017-05-05: So +done in+ was a red herring ...
A 2014-06-25: Red herring, sorry.
A 2013-04-26: Idiom: to put out /to establish a red herring.
A 2011-10-10: red herring
A 2011-05-13: a red herring (eine falsche Spur)
A 2010-11-27: Or is it a red herring?
A 2009-06-09: How old were you in the 50s and in the 70s, zou? What is your personal exp...
A 2005-08-22: red herring
A 2004-06-17: red herring = a false lead
A 2004-06-16: Interested in red herrings and urban legends?

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