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English-German translation for: Refsum-Syndrom
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Dictionary English German: Refsum Syndrom

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NOUN   das Refsum-Syndrom | -
med. Refsum diseaseRefsum-Syndrom {n}
Partial Matches
med. Refsum's diseaseRefsumsche Krankheit {f}
med. polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS>polyzystisches Ovar-Syndrom {n} <PCO-Syndrom, PCOS>
comp. to have the fat finger syndrome [coll.]das Wurstfinger-Syndrom / Fat-Finger-Syndrom haben [ugs.]
med. orofaciodigital syndrome <OFD syndrome> [type I]oro-fazio-digitales Syndrom {n} <OFD-Syndrom> [Typ I]
med. orofaciodigital syndrome <OFD syndrome> [type I]orofaziodigitales Syndrom {n} <OFD-Syndrom> [Typ I]
neol. not invented here syndrome <NIHS>Not-invented-here-Syndrom {n} <NIH-Syndrom>
med. Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome <BHD syndrome> [also: Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome]Birt-Hogg-Dubé-Syndrom {n} <BHD-Syndrom> [auch: Birt-Hogg-Dube-Syndrom]
med. cri-du-chat / cri du chat syndrome <CCS, CdCS, CDCS>Cri-du-chat-Syndrom {n} <CDC-Syndrom>
med. syndromeSyndrom {n}
med. bronchosinusitissinopulmonales Syndrom {n}
psych. savantismSavant-Syndrom {n}
astronau ablation cascadeKessler-Syndrom {n}
med. adult progeriaWerner-Syndrom {n}
psych. amnestic syndromeamnestisches Syndrom {n}
med. blepharophimosis syndromeBlepharophimose-Syndrom {n}
VetMed. brachycephalic syndromebrachycephales Syndrom {n}
med. click syndromeKlick-Syndrom {n}
med. climacteric syndromeklimakterisches Syndrom {n}
astronau collisional cascadingKessler-Syndrom {n}
psych. compulsive hoardingMessie-Syndrom {n}
med. dysraphic syndromeDysraphie-Syndrom {n}
med. extrapyramidal syndromeextrapyramidales Syndrom {n}
psych. Florence syndromeStendhal-Syndrom {n}
med. psych. fraud syndromeImpostor-Syndrom {n}
psych. hyperthymestic syndromehyperthymestisches Syndrom {n}
psych. impostor syndromeHochstapler-Syndrom {n}
melt-downChina-Syndrom {n}
med. meningeal syndromemeningeales Syndrom {n}
med. Moebius syndromeMöbius-Syndrom {n}
med. Morquio syndromemorquiosches Syndrom {n}
psych. Munchausen syndromeMünchhausen-Syndrom {n}
med. muscarine syndromeMuscarin-Syndrom {n}
med. muscarine syndromeMuskarin-Syndrom {n}
psych. negation delusionCotard-Syndrom {n}
psych. nihilistic delusionCotard-Syndrom {n}
med. Pickwickian syndromePickwick-Syndrom {n}
med. popped ribCyriax-Syndrom {n}
med. postcardiotomy syndromePostkardiotomie-Syndrom {n}
med. postthrombotic syndromepostthrombotisches Syndrom {n}
psych. presuicidal syndromepräsuizidales Syndrom {n}
med. psych. psychosomatic syndromepsychosomatisches Syndrom {n}
med. sinopulmonary syndromesinopulmonales Syndrom {n}
psych. survivor guiltHolocaust-Syndrom {n}
psych. survivor guiltÜberlebenden-Syndrom {n}
med. apallic syndromeapallisches Syndrom {n} <APS>
med. Baboon syndromePavian-Syndrom {n} [selten]
med. cervicocephalic syndrome <CCS>zervikozephales Syndrom {n}
med. hypogammaglobulinaemia syndrome [Br.]Hypogammaglobulinämie-Syndrom {n}
med. hypogammaglobulinemia syndrome [Am.]Hypogammaglobulinämie-Syndrom {n}
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