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English-German translation for: Regression
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Dictionary English German: Regression

Translation 1 - 48 of 48


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NOUN   a regression | regressions
SYNO   regression | regression toward the mean ... 
NOUN   die Regression | die Regressionen
SYNO   Regression | Rückbildung ... 
Rückschritt {m}
Rückfall {m}
Rückgang {m}
Rückbildung {f}
Nachlassen {n}
geol. med. psych. regression
Regression {f}
Rückwärtsbewegung {f}
biol. med. regression
Zurückbildung {f} [Regression]
2 Words: Others
stat. regression-based {adj}regressionsbasiert
2 Words: Nouns
psych. age regressionAltersregression {f} [hypnotische Regression]
spec. auto-regressionAutoregression {f}
growth regressionWachstumsregression {f}
linear regressionlineare Regression {f}
stat. logistic regressionlogistische Regression {f}
meta-regressionMeta-Regression {f}
stat. multiple regressionmultiple Regression {f}
stat. multivariate regressionmultivariate Regression {f}
nonlinear regressionnichtlineare Regression {f}
stat. nonparametric regressionnichtparametrische Regression {f}
parabolic regressionparabolische Regression {f}
partial regressionpartielle Regression {f}
math. stat. Poisson regressionPoisson-Regression {f}
med. postpartum regressionSchwangerschaftsrückbildung {f}
quadratic regressionquadratische Regression {f}
stat. regression analysisRegressionsanalyse {f}
math. stat. regression coefficientRegressionskoeffizient {m}
stat. regression constantRegressionskonstante {f}
math. phys. tech. regression curveRegressionskurve {f}
math. stat. regression equationRegressionsgleichung {f}
math. stat. regression functionRegressionsfunktion {f}
med. psych. regression hypnosisRegressionshypnose {f}
med. psych. regression modelRegressionsmodell {n}
math. psych. regression problemRegressionsproblem {n}
comp. QM tech. regression testRegressionstest {m}
comp. regression testingRegressionstest {m}
comp. math. regression treeRegressionsbaum {m}
med. spontaneous regressionSpontanregression {f}
med. spontaneous regressionSpontanremission {f}
stat. stepwise regressionschrittweise Regression {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. caudal regression syndrome <CRS>kaudales Regressionssyndrom {n}
meta-regression analysis <MRA>Meta-Regressionsanalyse {f} <MRA>
esot. psych. past life regressionReinkarnationstherapie {f}
esot. past life regressionRückführungstherapie {f}
med. psych. pattern of regressionRegressionsmuster {n}
4 Words: Nouns
stat. regression to the meanRegression {f} zur Mitte
stat. regression toward the meanRegression {f} zur Mitte
stat. weighted least squares regression <WLS regression>gewichtete Methode {f} der kleinsten Quadrate
5+ Words: Nouns
math. stat. slope of the regression lineSteigung {f} der Regressionsgeraden
Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=Regression
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Search time: 0.010 sec

A 2016-04-18: Ursinus mentioned regression at 18:47
A 2016-04-18: Reinkarnation im Bereich der Psychologie? Past life regression? Sowas.
A 2013-04-26: selektive Regression ...
Q 2013-04-26: selective regression
Q 2011-03-21: random effect linear regression model
A 2009-09-08: Regression, alas, loses culturally acquired skills (the +acquis+ in French...
A 2009-02-20: It is not really a linear regression, in my case :)
A 2009-02-20: Coefficient of linear regression?
A 2008-04-12: I suggest http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22complete+regression%22...
A 2008-04-12: but "regression" mostly means "getting smaller" (and not necessarily to zero)
A 2008-04-12: so having googled ad nauseam...dissolve is if they liquify, total regressi...
A 2008-04-12: I would use "regression", especially since it is medical lingo
A 2007-10-29: partial regression line ?
A 2007-10-29: regression line > Ausgleichgerade
A 2007-07-04: ich bin da kein Fachmann. http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22erste+++r...
A 2007-07-04: Ich glaube, es heißt "erste Stufe der Regression"
A 2007-04-09: regression line?
A 2007-03-09: regression line?
A 2006-05-25: past-life regression therapy
Q 2006-05-25: regression therapy

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