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English-German translation for: Regularly
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Dictionary English German: Regularly

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
SYNO   on a regular basis | regularly
regularly {adv}
regularly {adv} [often]
regularly {adv}
regularly {adv} [conforming to accepted standards etc.]
2 Words
regularly employed {adj}in ungekündigter Stellung [nachgestellt]
regularly trending {adj}immer wiederkehrend
to misbehave regularly [esp. child or adolescent]nicht gut tun [ugs.] [verhaltensauffällig sein] [bes. Kind oder Jugendlicher]
to publish regularlyregelmäßig veröffentlichen
to regularly repeatregulär wiederholen
to visit sb. (regularly)bei jdm. verkehren
3 Words
regularly as clockwork {adv}präzise wie ein Uhrwerk
naut. Steamers ply regularly.Dampfer fahren regelmäßig.
law regularly constituted courtordnungsgemäß besetztes Gericht {n}
regularly recurring paymentsregelmäßig wiederkehrende Zahlungen {pl}
regularly scheduled serviceLiniendienst {m}
4 Words
They always pay regularly.Sie zahlen immer pünktlich.
sports to (regularly) have a saunasaunieren [selten]
to supply a periodical regularlyeine Zeitschrift regelmäßig zusenden
5+ Words
Internet I don't regularly check that email (address).Ich checke diese E-Mail-Adresse nicht regelmäßig. [ugs.]
Please furnish us regularly with catalogues. [Br.]Bitte schicken Sie uns regelmäßig Kataloge.
biotech. clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-Cas system <CRISPR-Cas system>CRISPR-Cas-System {n}
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A 2022-09-01: @polarjud: that's fair, 10 years is certainly hyperbole. Though I will say...
A 2018-12-01: can be executed quickly and regularly
A 2015-05-14: +eingeschobener Nebensatz+ more regularly +embedded clause+ - please feed ...
A 2014-02-21: It's a regularly formed compound word, and anybody may do so combining any...
A 2013-12-08: (regularly) occupied by Germans ?
A 2012-03-14: another: regularly scheduled
A 2010-11-29: Well, can't speak for Americans, but ... not regularly, yet it did happen.
A 2010-10-21: Author of regularly published non-fiction book reviews
A 2010-08-05: @Bacca you mean when you get up, @Safina, it's the driver's responsibility...
A 2010-08-03: regularly check for the carbon brushes reaching their service limit
A 2010-07-21: It is everyday German. And used regularly for answering machines and stuff...
Q 2010-06-30: was regularly copied into email discussions
A 2010-06-12: The first - regularly blocked.
A 2010-06-01: We will update you regularly with the latest results.
A 2010-05-15: If you qualify as a sole trader, you are an operating entity / sole trader...
A 2010-02-22: We rely on a fleet of 17 lorries / trucks that regularly travel for you th...
A 2010-02-17: He also describes the duel in such a non-interested manner that younger re...
A 2010-01-20: permanently / regularly employed
A 2009-12-16: After possessive pronouns, wegen is postponed regularly: "meinet-, deinet-...
A 2009-10-22: The meaning is actually correct. my suggestion (sounds better to impress):...

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regularly recurring payments
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