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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Remis anbieten
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Remis anbieten in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Remis anbieten

Translation 1 - 50 of 112  >>

games sports to offer a draw [chess]Remis anbieten [Schach]
Partial Matches
games sports draw [tied game]Remis {n}
sports tie [draw, esp. in chess]Remis {n}
sports to tie [Am.]Remis spielen
games drawn {adj}remis [bes. Schach]
games sports to accept a draw [chess]Remis annehmen [Schach]
to advertiseanbieten
to offeranbieten
to presentanbieten
to profferanbieten
to run [course of study etc.]anbieten
to supplyanbieten
to tender [money, services, shares]anbieten
to offer servicesDienste anbieten
to provide printing servicesDruckdienste anbieten
to offer firmfest anbieten
to provide research servicesForschungsleistungen anbieten
to offer subject to confirmationfreibleibend anbieten
to put up separatelygetrennt anbieten
to offer helpHilfe anbieten
to offer to helpHilfe anbieten
to volunteerHilfe anbieten
law to tender performanceLeistung anbieten
to provide market research servicesMarktforschungsdienste anbieten
to reofferneu anbieten
to reoffernochmals anbieten
to advertise publiclyöffentlich anbieten
to offer a seatPlatz anbieten
to advertise privatelyprivat anbieten
to offer adviceRat anbieten
to solicit (for custom) [offer illicit sex]sich anbieten
to volunteersich anbieten
to offer guaranteeSicherheit anbieten
to provide safeguarding servicesSicherheitsdienste anbieten
to offer savings plansSparpläne anbieten
fin. to provide bridging loansÜberbrückungsdarlehen anbieten
to oversupplyüberreichlich anbieten
to reofferwieder anbieten
to provide sth. [afford] [opportunity, living etc.]etw.Akk. anbieten
to advertise sth. locallyetw. lokal anbieten
sports to call for the ballsich anbieten [Fußballspieler]
to solicit sb. [make sexual offer to]sich jdm. anbieten
to oversupplyzuviel anbieten [alt]
pol. to offer to resignden Rücktritt anbieten
to offer an adventureein Abenteuer anbieten
to offer a bribeein Bestechungsgeld anbieten
to offer a salary packageein Gehaltspaket anbieten
to offer a program [Am.]ein Programm anbieten
to tender for a projectein Projekt anbieten
to offer a range of productsein Sortiment anbieten
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• Remis anbieten
Remis annehmen
Remis spielen

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