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English-German translation for: Rendering
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Dictionary English German: Rendering

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NOUN   a rendering | renderings
VERB  to render | rendered | rendered ... 
SYNO   rendering | rendition | interpretation ... 
NOUN   das Rendering | die Renderings
rendering {adj}
rendering {adj}
Wiedergabe {f}
archi. theatre rendering
Darstellung {f}
constr. rendering [plastering]
Putz {m} [für Außenmauern]
mus. theatre rendering [also of a play]
Aufführung {f}
rendering [of musical piece, poem]
Vortrag {m}
ling. rendering
Übertragung {f} [Übersetzung]
comp. rendering [of a 3D model]
Rendering {n} [eines 3D-Modells]
rendering [translation]
Übersetzung {f}
constr. rendering [plastering]
Berapp {m} [fachspr.]
rendering [food processing] [also plant]
Tierkörperverwertung {f}
rendering [of fats]Ausschmelzen {n}
2 Words: Others
rendering effeminate {adj}verweichlichend
rendering homagehuldigend
2 Words: Nouns
constr. (wall) renderingWandbewurf {m}
account renderingRechnungslegung {f}
constr. brush renderingStreichputz {m}
color rendering [Am.]Farbwiedergabe {f}
colour rendering [Br.]Farbwiedergabe {f}
constr. exterior renderingAußenputz {m}
haptic renderinghaptisches Rendern {n}
ling. kanji rendering [Japanese]Kanji-Schreibform {f} [Japanisch]
constr. loam renderingLehmputz {m}
mus. musical renderingVertonung {f} [musikalische Bearbeitung eines Stoffes etc.]
comp. rendering equationRendergleichung {f} [auch: Rendering-Gleichung]
rendering plantAbdeckerei {f} [veraltend] [Tierkörperbeseitigungsanstalt]
rendering plantTierkörperbeseitigungsanstalt {f}
comp. rendering processRendervorgang {m}
comp. scanline rendering [also: scan-line rendering]Bildzeilenrenderung {f} [seltener für: Scanline-Rendering]
comp. scanline rendering [also: scan-line rendering]Scanline-Rendering {n}
comp. subpixel renderingTeilbildpunktwiedergabe {f}
3 Words: Nouns
daylight color rendering [Am.]Tageslichtspektrum {n}
daylight colour rendering [Br.]Tageslichtspektrum {n}
comp. physically based rendering <PBR>physikalisch basiertes Rendering {n} <PBR>
comp. MedTech. real-time renderingEchtzeitrendern {n}
services rendering companyDienstleistungsunternehmen {n}
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A 2020-10-09: Quote 4 https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Rendering
Q 2020-10-09: rendering
A 2018-01-11: Given such mastery of German and English, you'd end up rendering +Generalp...
A 2014-07-03: Lebensbwältigung is a difficult one as it can mean so many things ... I th...
A 2014-07-01: offering access in a way as much as possible not based on any hierarchy - ...
A 2014-06-04: Really sorry, Windfall - your first rendering "to the extent that" is perf...
A 2012-06-26: So +Sturmsturz+ is no correct rendering of +windfall?+
A 2011-09-17: I think that is a good rendering
A 2011-08-26: sounds like an agreement of some kind, so I would suggest the following re...
Q 2011-08-23: I'm not confident about my rendering of this
A 2011-06-08: Of course I have / I've (rendering speech) read Schiller
A 2011-01-29: Despite the BM Classical Review's authority, I stick with my rendering of ...
A 2010-11-29: Yeah, or rendering that bit of a mouthful: "Kaufmännische Sachbearbeiterin...
Q 2010-10-29: viewer's sense/homosexual rendering/Supervision appreciated
A 2010-04-21: I like you rendering; the only little thing you might consider: "versprech...
Q 2010-01-17: Is the English rendering OK?
A 2010-01-03: The co-ordination of all the painting utensils makes it possible to put a ...
A 2009-12-09: Since you are likely to be only familiar with its incorrect rendering of a...
A 2009-09-28: rendering of evidence
A 2009-07-01: rendering advice > Beratung (wörtlich: Geben von Ratschlägen)

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