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English-German translation for: Repetition
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Dictionary English German: Repetition

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NOUN   a repetition | repetitions
SYNO   repeating | repetition | repeat
NOUN   die Repetition | die Repetitionen
SYNO   [periodische] Wiederkehr ... 
Wiederholung {f} <Wdh., Wdhlg.>
repetition [act of repeating]
Wiederholen {n}
Repetition {f}
2 Words: Nouns
annoying repetitionlästige Wiederholung {f}
automatic repetitionautomatische Wiederholung {f}
boring repetitionlangweilige Wiederholung {f}
call repetitionAnrufwiederholung {f}
psych. compulsive repetitionWiederholungszwang {m}
constant repetitionständige Wiederholung {f}
continual repetitionständige Wiederholung {f}
educ. grade repetitionKlassenwiederholung {f}
periodic repetitionperiodische Wiederholung {f}
pulse repetitionImpulsfolge {f}
tech. repetition accuracyWiederholgenauigkeit {f}
psych. repetition compulsionWiederholzwang {m}
repetition counterWiederholungszähler {m}
repetition effectWiederholungseffekt {m}
repetition frequencyWiederholfrequenz {f}
repetition instructionWiederholbefehl {m}
electr. tech. repetition instructionWiederholungsbefehl {m}
repetition methodWiederholungsmethode {f}
repetition periodWiederholdauer {f}
repetition periodWiederholperiode {f}
repetition periodWiederholungsperiode {f}
tech. repetition rateRepetitionsrate {f}
tech. repetition rateWiederholrate {f}
tech. repetition rateWiederholungsrate {f}
repetition rhythmWiederholungsrhythmus {m}
traffic TrVocab. repetition sign [no parking, road sign]Wiederholungstafel {f} [schweiz.] [Halte- und Parkierungsverbote; Straßenschild]
educ. tech. repetition testWiederholungsprüfung {f}
repetition throwerSeriendreher {m}
MedTech. phys. repetition timeRepetitionszeit {f}
MedTech. repetition time <TR>Wiederholzeit {f} [Messparameter]
rhythmic repetitionrhythmische Wiederholung {f}
educ. spaced repetitionverteilte Wiederholung {f}
games threefold repetition [chess]dreifache Stellungswiederholung {f} [Schach]
ling. unnecessary repetitionDoppelmoppel {m} [ugs.]
word repetitionWortwiederholung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to avoid a repetitioneine Wiederholung vermeiden
to prevent a repetitioneine Wiederholung vermeiden
3 Words: Nouns
law danger of repetitionWiederholungsgefahr {f}
never-ceasing repetitionewige Wiederholung {f}
electr. MedTech. pulse repetition frequency <PRF>Impulsfolgefrequenz {f}
electr. MedTech. pulse repetition frequency <PRF>Pulswiederholfrequenz {f} [Impulsfolgefrequenz]
electr. MedTech. pulse repetition frequency <PRF>Pulswiederholungsfrequenz {f}
MedTech. tech. pulse repetition time <PRT>Impulswiederholzeit {f}
MedTech. tech. pulse repetition time <PRT>Pulswiederholzeit {f} [Impulswiederholzeit]
sign of repetitionTilde {f}
sign of repetitionWiederholungszeichen {n}
4 Words: Nouns
higher risk of repetitionerhöhtes Wiederholungsrisiko {n}
sports principle of repetition continuityPrinzip {n} der Wiederholung und Kontinuität
5+ Words: Others
in the event of repetition {adv}im Wiederholungsfall / Wiederholungsfalle
5+ Words: Nouns
educ. repetition of a school yearDrehen {n} einer Ehrenrunde [ugs.] [hum.] [Wiederholen einer Klassenstufe]
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Q 2023-02-20: What is the repetition of "dem" doing in the dash clause?
A 2015-02-10: I agree that the repetition should be in there somewhere otherwise it's a ...
A 2013-06-28: I know that English is not as averse to repetition as German, but the same...
A 2013-04-02: Repetition
A 2013-01-24: RepEtition - " für die erneute Aufführung eines Bühnenstücks, oder einer...
A 2013-01-24: Unter die Repetition fällt die Wiederholung auch im Sinne einer Übung, wel...
A 2013-01-24: la répétition = öffentlicher Vortrag. Kann es das sein?
Q 2012-07-21: spaced repetition
A 2012-07-16: Repetition -
A 2012-04-03: +re-staging+ if you want to point up the repetition in particular
A 2011-04-25: Thank you very much - especially for the second one, the repetition makes it.
Q 2011-04-17: "spaced repetition" -> DE?
A 2011-03-20: just a repetition
A 2011-01-19: I would suggest +traps+ if you want to avoid repetition.
Q 2010-10-15: "wide-eyed" in repetition/precipice
A 2010-10-12: then, despite the repetition:
A 2010-02-28: Der Dawak wak ~ ? Der Tabak bak +(wak / bak+ rhythmic repetition of last s...
A 2010-02-20: Repetition caused by dict.cc server blockage
A 2010-02-04: The repetition in 'an adequate mixture of learning by heart and participat...
A 2009-08-21: Style- repetition of social

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repetition instruction
repetition method
repetition of a school year
repetition period
repetition rate

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