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Dictionary English German: Republic

Translation 1 - 50 of 275  >>

English German
NOUN   a republic | republics
pol. republic
Republik {f}
pol. Republic <Rep.>
Republik {f} <Rep.>
lit. philos. Republic [Platonic dialogue]Politeia {f} [auch: Der Staat] [platonischer Dialog]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. pol. Abkhazskaya RepublicRepublik {f} Abchasien
geogr. pol. Adyghe RepublicAdygeja {n} [Republik Adygeja]
geogr. pol. Argentine RepublicArgentinische Republik {f}
hist. pol. aristocratic republicAdelsrepublik {f}
geogr. Artsakh RepublicRepublik {f} Bergkarabach
geogr. pol. Austrian RepublicRepublik {f} Österreich
pol. autonomous republic [within a larger state]Teilrepublik {f}
pol. Baltic republicBaltenrepublik {f}
pol. banana republic [pej.]Bananenrepublik {f} [oft pej.]
banana republic [pej.]Bananenstaat {m} [oft pej.]
geogr. hist. pol. Batavian RepublicBatavische Republik {f}
geogr. Bear Republic [nickname] [California]Kalifornien {n} [selten: Bären-Republik / Bärenrepublik als Spitzname]
pol. Berlin Republic [the present-day Germany; after the government moved back to Berlin]Berliner Republik {f}
hist. Boer republicBurenrepublik {f}
hist. pol. Bonn Republic [West Germany]Bonner Republik {f} [alte Bundesrepublik, 1949-1990]
econ. market. brand republicMarkenrepublik {f}
geogr. Caucasus republicKaukasusrepublik {f}
geogr. Chechen RepublicTschetschenien {n}
geogr. Chechen Republic [Russian Federation]Republik {f} Tschetschenien [Russische Föderation]
geogr. Chechen Republic [Russian Federation]Tschetschenische Republik {f} [Russische Föderation]
educ. children's republicKinderrepublik {f}
geogr. Chuvash Republic [Russian Federation]Republik {f} Tschuwaschien [Russische Föderation]
geogr. Chuvash Republic [Russian Federation]Tschuwaschische Republik {f} [Russische Föderation]
geogr. hist. pol. Cisalpine Republic [Repubblica Cisalpina]Cisalpinische Republik {f}
hist. pol. city republicStadtrepublik {f}
pol. constituent republicTeilrepublik {f}
hist. pol. council republicRäterepublik {f}
geogr. hist. Czech RepublicTschechei {f} [Kurzbezeichnung für Tschechische Republik, 1918 - 1938]
geogr. Czech Republic <.cz>Tschechien {n}
geogr. Czech Republic <.cz>Tschechische Republik {f}
geogr. Dominican Republic <.do>Dominikanische Republik {f}
hist. Dutch Republic [1581-1795]Republik {f} der Vereinigten Niederlande
pol. federal republicBundesrepublik {f}
hist. First Republic [Austria]Erste Republik {f}
geogr. pol. Gabonese Republic <.ga>Gabunische Republik {f}
pol. Hellenic Republic [official name of the country Greece]Hellenische Republik {f} [offizieller Landesname Griechenlands]
hist. Helvetic RepublicHelvetische Republik {f}
independent republicselbständige Republik {f}
island republicInselrepublik {f}
geogr. Komi (Republic)Republik Komi {f}
geogr. Komi Republic [Russian Federation]Republik {f} Komi [Russische Föderation]
geogr. pol. Kyrgyz RepublicKirgisische Republik {f}
comm. hist. pol. merchant republicKaufmannsrepublik {f}
geogr. pol. mountain republicBergrepublik {f}
geogr. pol. mountainous republicBergrepublik {f}
pol. municipal republicStadtrepublik {f}
geogr. pol. neighbouring republic [Br.]Nachbarrepublik {f}
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A 2016-07-10: Alongside development of the novel, TM's arduous change of direction towar...
A 2016-07-09: In parallel to the making of the novel evolved TM's laborious grappling wi...
A 2015-10-12: Such pathetic confusion is a consequence of Austria's slip from empire to ...
Q 2014-09-14: Love runs out - one republic
A 2013-05-28: If your text does sum up both, suggest "Decrees and Laws for the Protectio...
A 2013-05-28: Usually translated as "Law for the Protection of the Republic."
Q 2013-05-16: Federal Republic of Germany personal registration card number
A 2013-04-08: It was a name suggested by the Czech Republic itself, apparantly -
A 2013-04-08: Czech Republic
A 2012-06-11: Republic
A 2012-01-27: DDR > GDR (German Democratic Republic) in English
Q 2011-12-21: Third Secretary in the legal division of the Ministry of foreign affairs o...
A 2011-09-30: The (former) German Democratic Republic version of this song began with:
A 2010-12-23: "Schi" is the only acceptable spelling in Austria, whereas "Ski" is mandat...
A 2010-07-27: You can keep 'Land' in English for a constituent state of the Federal Republic.
A 2010-02-09: anyway, a republic, - res publica is female ...
A 2009-12-08: BTW: Is this song sung to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic?
A 2009-10-04: You should listen to some "Schlager" from the Weimar Republic while readin...
A 2009-09-03: In the later MA, few peasants were free in Central Europe. You had some in...

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