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English-German translation for: Resist
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Dictionary English German: Resist

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NOUN   a resist | resists
VERB  to resist | resisted | resisted ... 
SYNO   to fend | to resist | to stand ... 
to resist sb./sth.
jdm./etw. widerstehen
to resist sb./sth.
jdm./etw. standhalten
to resist
to resist sth.
etw.Dat. entgegenwirken
to resist sb./sth.
jdm./etw. widerstreben [sich widersetzen]
to resist
to resist
gegenhalten [nordd.] [ugs.]
med. to resist
to resistWiderstand leisten
to resist sb.jdm. Widerpart geben [geh.] [veraltend]
to resist sb./sth.gegen jdn./etw. bestehen
to resist sb./sth.sichAkk. jdm./etw. widersetzen
to resist sb./sth.sichAkk. jds./etw. erwehren [geh.]
to resist sb./sth.sichAkk. gegen jdn./etw. wehren
to resist sb./sth.sichAkk. gegen jdn./etw. zur Wehr setzen
Leiterplattenschutzschicht {f}
2 Words: Others
resist-coated {adj}fotolackbeschichtet
2 Words: Verbs
to resist arrestsichAkk. der Festnahme widersetzen
to resist corrosionkorrosionsbeständig sein
to resist doing sth.sichAkk. dagegen wehren, etw. zu tun
to resist temptationder Versuchung widerstehen
2 Words: Nouns
etch resistÄtzresist {m} {n}
chem. tech. resist imageResistbild {n}
chem. resist materialResistmaterial {n}
solder resistLötstopplack {m}
3 Words: Others
able to resist {adj}wehrhaft
hard to resist {adj} [postpos.]unwiderstehlich
3 Words: Nouns
attempt to resistVersuch {m} des Widerstands
law pol. right to resist [constitutional right to resist attempts at overthrowing the constitution]Widerstandsrecht {n}
right to resist sb./sth.Widerstandsrecht {n} gegen jdn./etw.
solder resist maskLötstoppmaske {f}
4 Words: Others
Sorry, could not resist. <SCNR>Entschuldigung, konnte nicht widerstehen.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. <SICR>Entschuldigung, ich konnte nicht widerstehen.
4 Words: Verbs
to be able to resistwiderstehen können
5+ Words: Verbs
to resist getting into details about sth.etw.Akk. im Vagen halten / lassen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Just resist sinWiderstehe doch der Sünde [J. S Bach, BWV 54]
lit. F Resist [Sarah Crossan]Resist. Flucht nach Sequoia
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Q 2018-01-26: Ein Witz aus dem Himmel. (Sorry, I couldn't resist ;-))
A 2017-03-20: Maybe, "I could get laid on the beach". ;-) (Sorry, everybody, I couldn't ...
A 2016-08-11: couldn't resist ......
A 2016-05-02: again - couldn't resist .... sorry.
A 2016-05-01: Couldn't resist ...
A 2015-04-27: Couldn't resist: PRIVATE EYE is a household name in British satire http:/...
A 2015-03-11: couldn't resist .....
A 2015-01-05: couldn't resist
A 2013-08-06: No worries. I enjoy my coffee (without a cream tea ....) ;-)) sorry, co...
A 2013-05-26: Well, couldn't resist the urge to be a bit silly this morning.
A 2013-04-14: Oscar Wilde: "I can resist anything but temptation", "The only way to get ...
A 2012-12-04: .... und führe mich nicht in Versuchung ...... sorry, couldn't resist.
A 2012-08-16: Couldn't resist this.
A 2012-08-09: AKA "The only way to resist temptation is to give in to it."
A 2012-07-28: AKA "The only way to resist temptation is to give in to it."
Q 2012-07-28: I can resist anything, except temptation
A 2012-04-13: Couldn't resist. From Webster's Synonyms:
A 2012-03-23: Just to make the consequences clear ... (another extract from my translati...
A 2012-03-06: :-)) Mein Name ist ..., ich bin ... Jahre alt. ... could not resist: Der ...
Q 2011-11-01: What we resist, we keep in place.

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