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English-German translation for: Rhythm
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Dictionary English German: Rhythm

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NOUN   a rhythm | rhythms
SYNO   beat | musical rhythm | rhythm ... 
Rhythmus {m}
Takt {m}
mus. rhythm
Rhythmik {f}
rhythmzeitliches Ebenmaß {n}
mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
2 Words: Nouns
biol. activity rhythmAktivitätsrhythmus {m}
mus. additive rhythmadditiver Rhythmus {m} [z. B. 3+2+3 Achtel]
med. alpha rhythmAlpha-Rhythmus {m}
med. alphoid rhythm [dated for: alpha rhythm]Alphoid-Rhythmus {m} [veraltet für: Alpharhythmus]
American Rhythm["American Style"-Tänze bei US-Meisterschaften]
med. automatic rhythm [normal sinus rhythm]Sinusrhythmus {m} [normaler regelmäßiger Herzschlag]
med. basal rhythmRuhefrequenz {f} [z. B. in der Wehenpause]
med. beta rhythmBeta-Rhythmus {m}
breathing rhythmAtemrhythmus {m}
med. cardiac rhythmHerzrhythmus {m}
biol. circadian rhythmcircadiane Rhythmik {f}
biol. circadian rhythmcircadianer Rhythmus {m}
biol. spec. circadian rhythminnere Uhr {f}
biol. circadian rhythmTag-Nachtrhythmus {m}
biol. circadian rhythmzirkadianer Rhythmus {m}
biol. med. circadian rhythmSchlaf-Wach-Rhythmus {m}
mus. cross-rhythmKreuz-Rhythmus {m} [auch: Kreuzrhythmus]
daily rhythmTagesrhythmus {m}
biol. diurnal rhythmTagesrhythmus {m}
mus. dotted rhythmpunktierter Rhythmus {m}
environmental rhythmUmweltrhythmus {m}
med. escape rhythmErsatzrhythmus {m}
fixed rhythmfestgelegter Rhythmus {m}
med. gallop rhythmGalopprhythmus {m}
med. gamma rhythmGamma-Rhythmus {m}
mus. harmonic rhythmharmonischer Rhythmus {m}
med. heart rhythmHerzrhythmik {f} [selten]
med. heart rhythmHerzrhythmus {m}
med. idioventricular rhythm <IVR>idioventrikulärer Rhythmus {m} <IVR>
biol. infradian rhythminfradiane Rhythmik {f}
mus. Lombard rhythmlombardischer Rhythmus {m}
mus. Lombardic rhythmlombardischer Rhythmus {m}
mus. macro-rhythm <MacR>Großrhythmus {m}
geol. mus. micro-rhythmKleinrhythmus {m}
med. parasystolic rhythmParasystolie {f}
repetition rhythmWiederholungsrhythmus {m}
sports rhythm abilityRhythmisierungsfähigkeit {f}
med. rhythm ambulanceRhythmusambulanz {f}
mus. rhythm brushJazzbesen {m}
mus. rhythm guitarRhythmusgitarre {f}
mus. rhythm guitaristRhythmusgitarrist {m}
mus. rhythm guitarist [female]Rhythmusgitarristin {f}
mus. rhythm instrumentRhythmusinstrument {n}
rhythm methodRhythmusmethode {f}
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A 2016-05-15: rhythm
A 2016-05-15: Rhythm
A 2015-06-30: 17:13 — rhythm / flow: Egal wie +leer im Kopf du+ bist ...
Q 2014-08-01: automatic rhythm --- Rhythmusautomatik
A 2014-02-07: Rhythm
A 2011-12-17: Dictionaries include idioms / short sentences that sound quite differently...
A 2011-01-16: I'd say "in the rhythm of your city" or, context permitting, "in time with...
A 2011-01-04: Is it supposed to rhyme and/or have rhythm?
Q 2010-12-16: Medizintext über Herzmedikamente, "paced rhythm" unbekannt
A 2010-09-03: In a song, to get the right rhythm/meter/rhyme, the lied to would also be ok.
A 2010-07-18: Rhytmus and rhytm are wrong, there are two hs in both words - Rhythmus and...
A 2010-03-22: # 2 makes for clarity and rhythm
A 2010-03-09: run-up rhythm / run-up approach
A 2010-01-18: +Never gonna give you up+ (a) for the sake of rhythm (b) for the sake of c...
A 2009-12-03: The second - its rhythm is more natural
A 2009-07-25: Rap words must fit the insistent rhythm
A 2009-05-26: Yes, but I reckon you can sacrifice the "again" for the sake of the rhythm
A 2009-05-14: For the audience, standardized opening and closing credits as well as the ...
A 2008-08-19: Große Zweifel: alle Google-Fundstellen von "supply rhythm" beziehen sich a...
A 2008-08-19: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22the+supply...

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