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English-German translation for: Rights
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Dictionary English German: Rights

Translation 1 - 50 of 525  >>

English German
NOUN   a right | rights
VERB  to right | righted | righted ... 
law rights
Rechte {pl}
Anrechte {pl}
2 Words: Others
by rights {adv}billigerweise
by rights {adv}eigentlich
by rights {adv}rechtmäßig
by rights {adv}von Gesetzes wegen
by rights {adv} [idiom]von Rechts wegen [Redewendung] [eigentlich]
fin. cum rightsmit Bezugsrecht
cum rightsmit Rechten
pol. Equal Rights [USA] [Wyoming state motto]Gleiche Rechte [Motto des US-Staates Wyoming]
without rights {adj} [postpos.]rechtlos
2 Words: Verbs
to assert rightsAnsprüche verfechten
law to assume rightsRechte wahrnehmen
law to confer rightsRechte gewähren
law to curtail sb.'s rightsjds. Rechte einschränken
law to infringe sb.'s rightsjds. Rechte missachten
law to infringe sb.'s rightsjds. Rechte verletzen
to restrict sb.'s rightsjdn. in seinen Rechten beschneiden
2 Words: Nouns
accruing rightszuwachsende Rechte {pl}
acquired rightserworbene Rechte {pl}
acquired rightswohlerworbene Rechte {pl}
jobs sociol. acquired rights {pl}Besitzstand {m}
comp. admin rightsAdminrechte {pl} [kurz für: Administratorrechte] [auch Admin-Rechte]
comp. admin rights [coll.] [short for: administrator rights]Admin-Rechte {pl} [kurz für: Administratorrechte]
comp. administrator rightsAdministratorenrechte {pl}
comp. administrator rightsAdministratorrechte {pl}
comp. administrator rightsAdministrator-Rechte {pl} [auch: Administratorrechte]
air rightsFlugrechte {pl}
law ancillary rightsNebenrechte {pl}
animal rightsTierrechte {pl}
law attested rightsverbriefte Rechte {pl}
law publ. author's rights {pl}Urheberrecht {n}
law pol. autonomy rightsAutonomierechte {pl}
hist. law spec. banal rightsBannrechte {pl}
basic rightsGrundrechte {pl}
book rightsBuchrechte {pl}
brew FoodInd. law brewing rightsBraurechte {pl}
law RadioTV broadcasting rightsSenderechte {pl}
law RadioTV broadcasting rightsÜbertragungsrechte {pl}
law chartered rightsverbriefte Rechte {pl}
law children's rightsKinderrechte {pl}
law children's rightsKindesrechte {pl}
citizens' rightsBürgerrechte {pl}
law pol. civic rightsBürgerrechte {pl}
pol. civil rightsBürgerrechte {pl}
law civil rightsGrundrechte {pl}
civil rightsbürgerliche Ehrenrechte {pl}
ecol. CO2 rightsCO2-Rechte {pl}
hist. law comital rightsGrafenrechte {pl}
hist. comital rightsGrafschaftsrechte {pl}
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A 2023-04-09: Yes, the Confederate States were an apartheid dictatorship who were focuse...
A 2022-11-07: water rights from time immemorial
A 2022-11-06: Grandfathered water rights
A 2022-09-29: bei Langenscheidt +balancing of conflicting rights+
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A 2019-03-26: https://www.acronymfinder.com/National-Confederation-of-Human-Rights-Organ...
A 2018-03-02: Contributor rights
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Q 2016-04-28: Form of Rights Agreement
A 2015-10-26: special rights and responsibilities of the Allied Powers (Alliierte Vorbeh...
A 2015-10-12: +lesende Zugriffsrechte+ gibt es; > reading access rights
Q 2015-08-30: all rights reserved obsessive
Q 2015-06-28: the rights of the subject of the Images
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