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English-German translation for: Rolle Toilettenpapier
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Dictionary English German: Rolle Toilettenpapier

Translation 1 - 50 of 206  >>

NOUN   die Rolle Toilettenpapier | die Rollen Toilettenpapier
lavatory roll [Br.]Rolle {f} Toilettenpapier
toilet paper rollRolle {f} Toilettenpapier
toilet roll [Br.]Rolle {f} Toilettenpapier
Partial Matches
bathroom tissue [Am.]Toilettenpapier {n}
lavatory paper [Br.]Toilettenpapier {n}
loo paper [Br.] [coll.]Toilettenpapier {n}
toilet paperToilettenpapier {n}
toilet tissueToilettenpapier {n}
moist toilet tissuesfeuchtes Toilettenpapier {n}
piece of loo roll [Br.] [coll.]Stück {n} Toilettenpapier
tech. barrelRolle {f}
theatre characterRolle {f}
coilRolle {f}
theatre partRolle {f}
psych. personaRolle {f}
tech. pulleyRolle {f}
reelRolle {f}
sociol. theatre roleRolle {f}
tools rollerRolle {f}
art publ. scrollRolle {f}
tech. spoolRolle {f}
tech. wheel and axleRolle {f}
mus. alto partAlt-Rolle {f}
importancebedeutende Rolle {f}
prominent rolebedeutende Rolle {f}
film theatre rewarding partdankbare Rolle {f}
crucial roleentscheidende Rolle {f}
important functionführende Rolle {f}
lead (role)führende Rolle {f}
leading roleführende Rolle {f}
aviat. flick roll [Br.]gerissene Rolle {f}
aviat. snap roll [Am.]gerissene Rolle {f}
half rollhalbe Rolle {f}
preponderant roleherausragende Rolle {f}
conspicuous parthervorragende Rolle {f}
round log of woodhölzerne Rolle {f}
causal rolekausale Rolle {f}
film theatre minor rolekleine Rolle {f}
vital partlebenswichtige Rolle {f}
econ. dominant market positionmarktbeherrschende Rolle {f}
important rolemaßgebliche Rolle {f}
theatre naive partnaive Rolle {f}
bundle of banknotesRolle {f} Banknoten
ball of stringRolle {f} Bindfaden
reel of stringRolle {f} Bindfaden
coil of wireRolle {f} Draht
reel of wireRolle {f} Draht
reel of threadRolle {f} Faden
textil. reel of cottonRolle {f} Garn
reel of threadRolle {f} Garn
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Roller fahren
Roller Skates
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• Rolle Toilettenpapier
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