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Dictionary English German: Rome

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NOUN   Rome | -
SYNO   Eternal City | Italian capital | Roma ... 
geogr. Rome
Rom {n}
2 Words: Others
all Rome {adv}ganz Rom
Rome-born {adj}in Rom geboren
2 Words: Verbs
pol. travel to visit RomeRom besuchen
to visit Romesich in Rom aufhalten
2 Words: Nouns
hist. Ancient RomeAltes Rom {n}
hist. ancient Romeantikes Rom {n}
hist. Ancient Romedas Alte Rom {n}
hist. travel classical Romedas alte Rom {n}
hist. East Rome [Byzantium]Ostrom {n}
hist. old RomeAltes Rom {n}
law mus. Rome ConventionRom-Abkommen {n}
hist. Rome TreatyVertrag {m} von Rom
hist. pol. Third RomeDrittes Rom {n}
3 Words: Others
all over Rome {adv}in ganz Rom
relig. faithful to Rome {adj}romtreu
geogr. hist. in imperial Rome {adv} [also: in Imperial Rome]im Rom der Kaiserzeit
proverb When in Rome ... [do as the Romans do]Man muss mit den Wölfen heulen.
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Battle for Rome [1944]Schlacht {f} um Monte Cassino
relig. Bishop of Rome [pope]Bischof {m} von Rom [Papst]
Club of RomeClub {m} of Rome
hist. philos. relig. Giles of Rome [Aegidius Romanus]Aegidius Romanus {m}
hist. travel journey to RomeRomfahrt {f}
travel journey to RomeRomreise {f}
relig. pilgrim to RomeRomfahrer {m} [jd., der eine Pilgerreise nach Rom macht]
relig. pilgrim to RomeRompilger {m}
relig. pilgrim to Rome [female]Romfahrerin {f} [weibliche Person, die eine Pilgerreise nach Rom macht]
relig. pilgrim to Rome [female]Rompilgerin {f}
relig. pilgrimage to RomeRomfahrt {f} [Pilgerfahrt nach Rom]
relig. pilgrims to RomeRompilger {pl}
med. Rome II criteriaRom-II-Kriterien {pl}
relig. See of Romeder Heilige Stuhl {m}
hist. travel to Rome [of the German elected Kings for the crowning as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire]Romzug {m} [der gewählten deutschen Könige zur Krönung zum Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
EU Treaties of RomeRömische Verträge {pl}
travel trip to RomeRomfahrt {f} [Romreise]
travel trip to RomeRomreise {f}
4 Words: Others
Rome was your suggestion.Rom war Ihre Idee. [formelle Anrede]
Rome was your suggestion. [said to one person]Rom war deine Idee.
Rome was your suggestion. [said to two or more people]Rom war eure Idee.
4 Words: Verbs
to fiddle while Rome burns [idiom]sich mit unwichtigeren Dingen beschäftigen [anstatt sich dem wirklich Wichtigen zuzuwenden]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. history of ancient Romerömische Geschichte {f} [Geschichte des Römischen Reiches]
hist. history of early Romerömische Frühgeschichte {f}
geogr. hist. Rome, the Eternal CityRom {n}, die Ewige Stadt
relig. Saint Agnes of Romeheilige Agnes {f} von Rom
relig. the Church of Romedie römisch-katholische Kirche {f}
hist. the Sack of Romedie Plünderung {f} Roms
5+ Words: Others
proverb All roads lead to Rome.Alle Wege führen nach Rom.
proverb Rome was not built in a day.Rom wurde nicht an einem Tag erbaut.
proverb Rome wasn't built in a day either.Rom ist auch nicht an einem Tag erbaut worden.
proverb Rome wasn't built in a day.Gut Ding will Weile haben.
proverb When in Rome, do as the Romans do!Andere Länder, andere Sitten!
proverb When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Man muss mit den Wölfen heulen.
proverb When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Man soll sich den örtlichen Gepflogenheiten anpassen.
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to do in Rome as the Romans domit den Wölfen heulen
5+ Words: Nouns
law (Rome) Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual ObligationsEuropäisches Schuldvertragsübereinkommen {n}
hist. history of the city of RomeGeschichte {f} Roms [Stadtgeschichte]
relig. Saint / St. Sophia of RomeSophia {f} von Rom
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Asterix Conquers Rome [René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo, Pierre Watrin]Asterix erobert Rom
lit. F Death in RomeDer Tod in Rom [Wolfgang Koeppen]
RadioTV F RomeRom
film F Rome, Open City [Roberto Rossellini]Rom, offene Stadt
hist. F The History of Rome [also: A History of Rome]Römische Geschichte [Theodor Mommsen]
film F Tony Rome [Gordon Douglas]Der Schnüffler
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Q 2021-03-01: A Song of praise for Rome
A 2015-07-29: see Google: "journeys to Rome" coronation
A 2015-03-04: in the footsteps of ancient Rome
A 2015-01-04: +in+ ginge nur bei großen Städten (in Rome, in Alexandria) - und selbst in...
A 2014-04-11: a half-free man, a client; the term +serf+ belongs to the post-Roman era a...
A 2013-11-15: He is likely to have travelled to Rome in 1511, but making acquaintance wi...
A 2011-12-23: many ways to Rome
A 2011-04-24: In the end, when in Rome, do like the Romans.
A 2011-02-25: German-speaking Rome pilgrims
A 2010-08-29: Rome rally of altar boys
A 2010-04-02: ... many ways to Rome
A 2009-12-18: when in Rome ...
A 2009-01-23: The +Roma segreta+ LINK served to illustrate Rome's rise to greatness. I d...
A 2008-01-14: Go/keep/carry on having a great time in Rome
A 2008-01-14: oder: have some more nice days in Rome
A 2008-01-14: have another few nice days in Rome
Q 2007-09-11: Seen "The Comic History of Rome" in Wiki, Baccalaureus?
Q 2007-03-21: .....came at cost now reverberating in Rome and Afghanistan:
A 2006-12-04: the essence of Rome
A 2006-10-09: Rome wasn't built in a day

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