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| med. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass <R/Y gastric bypass> | Roux-en-Y-Magenbypass {m} <R/Y-Magenbypass> | |
Partial Matches |
| MedTech. Roux abdominal retractor | Roux-Bauchdeckenhaken {m} | |
| gastr. roux | Roux {m} [ugs. auch {f}] | |
| gastr. blond / blonde roux | heller Roux {m} [auch: helle Roux {f}] [Roux blond] | |
| gastr. spec. dark roux | dunkler Roux {m} [auch: dunkle Roux {f}] [Roux brun] | |
| gastr. spec. white roux | weißer Roux {m} [auch: weiße Roux {f}] [Roux blanc] | |
| tech. EN standard <EN> | Europäische Norm {f} <EN> | |
| dent. two-dimensional en-face / en face images | zweidimensionale En-face-Aufnahmen {pl} | |
| tech. EN standards <ENs> | Europäische Normen {pl} <EN> | |
| med. epidermal necrolysis <EN> | epidermische Nekrolyse {f} <EN> | |
| tech. European Standard <EN> | Europäische Norm {f} <EN> | |
| en masse {adv} | en gros [fig.] | |
| games to capture a pawn en passant [chess] | einen Bauern en passant schlagen [Schach] | |
| mineral. churchite-(Y) [(Y,Er,La) [PO4]·2H2O] | Churchit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. horvathite-(Y) [NaY [F2|CO3]] [horváthite-(Y)] | Horváthit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. magnesiorowlandite-(Y) [Y4(Mg,Fe)(Si2O7)2F2] | Magnesiorowlandit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. moydite-(Y) [Y(CO3)B(OH)4] | Moydit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. schlüterite-(Y) [(Y,REE)2AlSi2O7(OH)2F] | Schlüterit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. synchisite-(Y) [Ca(Y,La) [F|(CO3)2]] | Synchisit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. adamsite-(Y) [NaY [CO3]2·6H2O] | Adamsit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. cappelenite-(Y) [Ba(Y,Ce)6Si3B6O24F2] | Cappelenit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. donnayite-(Y) [Sr3NaCaY(CO3)6·3H2O] | Donnayit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. fluorthalenite-(Y) [Y3 [F|Si3O10]] [fluorthalénite-(Y)] | Fluorthalénit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. hizenite-(Y) [Ca2Y6(CO3)11·14H2O] | Hizenit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. kimuraite-(Y) [CaY2(CO3)4·6H2O] | Kimurait-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. lecoqite-(Y) [Na3Y(CO3)3·6H2O] | Lecoqit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. lokkaite-(Y) [CaY4(CO3)7·9H2O] | Lokkait-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. loranskite-(Y) [(Y,Ce,Ca)ZrTaO6] | Loranskit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. moskvinite-(Y) [Na2K(Y,REE) [Si6O15]] | Moskvinit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. paraniite-(Y) [Ca2Y [AsO4|(WO4)2]] | Paraniit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. shomiokite-(Y) [Na3Y [CO3]3·3H2O] | Shomiokit-(Y) {m} | |
| Y as in Yoke [Am.] | Y wie Ypsilon | |
| mineral. kainosite-(Y) [Ca2(Y,Ce)2Si4O12(CO3)·H2O] | Kainosit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. lusernaite-(Y) [Y4Al(CO3)2(OH)10F·6H2O] | Lusernait-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. okanoganite-(Y) [(Na,Ca)3(Y,Ce)12Si6B2O27F14] | Okanoganit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. tengerite-(Y) [Y3(CO3)4·2-3 H2O] | Tengerit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. yttrocolumbite-(Y) [(Y,U,Fe)(Nb,Ta)O4] | Yttrocolumbit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. yttrotantalite-(Y) [(Y,U,Fe²)(Ta,Nb)O4] | Yttrotantalit-(Y) {m} | |
| med. en bloc esophagectomy [also: en-bloc esophagectomy] [Am.] | En-bloc-Ösophagektomie {f} | |
| EU Replies to requests for interpretation of EN ... [standards] | Antworten auf Anfragen zur Interpretation von EN ... [Norm] | |
| mineral. chukhrovite-(Y) [Ca3(Y,Ce)Al2(SO4)F13·10H2O] | Chukhrovit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. kuliokite-(Y) [(Y,Yb)4Al(SiO4)2(OH)2F5] | Kuliokit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. mckelveyite-(Y) [Ba3Na(Ca,U)Y(CO3)6·3H2O] | Mckelveyit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. monteregianite-(Y) [(Na,K)6(Y,Ca)2Si16O38·10H2O] | Monteregianit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. pyatenkoite-(Y) [Na5(Y,Dy)(Ti,Nb) [Si6O18]·6H2O] | Pyatenkoit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. sazykinaite-(Y) [(Na,K)5Y(Zr,Ti) [Si6O18]·6H2O] | Sazykinait-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. tantalaeschynite-(Y) [(Y,Ce,Ca)(Ta,Ti,Nb)2O6] | Tantalaeschynit-(Y) {m} | |
| cloth. y-front briefs {pl} [esp. Br.] [Y-Front®] | Slip {m} mit Y-Eingriff | |
| mineral. atelisite-(Y) [Y4Si3O8(OH)8] | Atelisit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. bastnäsite-(Y) [(Y,Ce)(CO3)F] | Bastnäsit-(Y) {m} | |
English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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