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English-German translation for: Rub
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Dictionary English German: Rub

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NOUN   a rub | rubs
VERB  to rub | rubbed | rubbed ... 
SYNO   rub | wipe | to itch | to rub ... 
to rub
reiben [z. B. frottieren]
to rub
to rub [vigorously]
rubbeln [regional] [kräftig reiben]
to rub
gastr. to rub sth. [esp. herbs]
etw.Akk. rebeln [klein reiben, bes. Kräuter]
to rub sth. [into sth.]etw.Akk. in etw.Dat. verreiben [reibend verteilen, z. B. Creme im Gesicht]
rub [literary] [difficulty]
Schwierigkeit {f}
rub [rubbing]
Reiben {n}
rub [polishing]
Polieren {n}
pharm. rub [ointment]
Einreibemittel {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to rub againstreiben an [+Dat.]
to rub against sth.an etw.Dat. schleifen
to rub along [Br.] [coll.] [manage]sich durchschlagen [ugs.]
to rub awaywegreiben
to rub downabreiben
to rub downfrottieren
to rub down [clean, wall, paintwork]abwaschen
to rub down [person]abrubbeln [ugs.]
to rub down [sandpaper]abschmirgeln
to rub drytrockenreiben
to rub ineinmassieren
to rub ineinreiben
to rub offabreiben
to rub offwegreiben
to rub oneselfsichAkk. schubbern [nordd.] [reiben]
to rub outausreiben
to rub out [esp. Br.]radieren [mit Radiergummi]
to rub out sth.etw.Akk. löschen [radieren etc.]
to rub out sth. [esp. Br.] [erase (pencil marks, etc.) with a rubber]etw.Akk. wegradieren
to rub sb. out [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [murder, kill sb.]jdm. das Licht ausblasen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jdn. töten]
to rub sb./sth. down [with a towel]jdn./etw. abfrottieren [mit einem Handtuch]
to rub shoulders [literally]einander / sich mit den Schultern berühren
to rub sth. (on sth.)etw. (an etw.) wetzen
to rub sth. cleanetw. abreiben [reibend säubern]
to rub sth. in [coll.] [idiom] [annoy by repeating]jdm. etw.Akk. unter die Nase reiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to rub sth. offetw.Akk. abscheuern
to rub sth. off [e.g. dirt]etw.Akk. abreiben [säubernd entfernen, z. B. Schmutz]
to rub sth. outetw.Akk. löschen [radieren etc.]
to rub sth. out [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] [destroy sth. completely]etw. ausradieren [fig.] [ugs.] [völlig zerstören, dem Erdboden gleichmachen]
to rub sth. out [esp. Br.] [erase (pencil marks, etc.) with a rubber]etw.Akk. ausradieren
to rub upaufpolieren
2 Words: Nouns
med. back rubRückenmassage {f}
gastr. dry rubTrockenmarinade {f}
med. friction rubReibegeräusch {n}
neck rub [coll.]Nackenmassage {f}
med. pleural rubPleurareiben {n}
mus. rub board [Am.]Waschbrett {n} [Zydeco]
curr. Russian rouble <RUB, руб>Russischer Rubel {m} <RUB, руб>
3 Words: Others
[you] rub with ointment[du] salbst
idiom There's the rub. [fig.]Da liegt der Haken. [fig.]
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Q 2019-01-09: don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
Q 2017-12-08: rub
A 2015-06-10: vielleicht: as if he would rub some deep-seated memories underneath to life
Q 2015-03-21: rub at the spot
A 2014-03-03: thanks - it must be "rub shoulders"
A 2014-02-26: I agree with Barloup - rub shoulders with.
A 2014-02-26: to rub shoulders with him
A 2012-09-05: ... ich bin schon oft angeeckt - ... I often rub people (up) the wrong wa...
A 2012-01-02: "Aye, there's the rub"
A 2011-01-10: Correction: it's +to rub off+
A 2011-01-10: abstreifen (Basketball) > to rub +(please enter into dict.cc)+
A 2010-12-18: In printing, it's usually "rub-resistance."
Q 2010-10-25: nochmal "rub down"
A 2010-10-23: rub down = Massage
Q 2010-10-23: rub down
Q 2009-10-09: to rub off the hair off the back of one's head
A 2009-05-26: Nicht übersetzen http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22Deep+Heat+rub%2...
Q 2009-05-26: Deep Heat(Heat rub)
A 2008-11-10: I can assure you that I would not like to rub Proteus up the wrong way...
A 2008-09-05: rub off

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