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English-German translation for: Ruined
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Dictionary English German: Ruined

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
VERB  to ruin | ruined | ruined ... 
SYNO   finished | ruined | destroyed ... 
ruined {adj} {past-p}
ruined {adj} {past-p}
ruined {adj} {past-p} [destroyed]
sb./sth. ruined
jd./etw. zerstörte
ruined {adj} {past-p} [spoilt]
sb./sth. ruined
jd./etw. ruinierte
ruined {adj}
ruined {adj} [bankrupt]in dutt [nordd.]
2 Words: Others
completely ruined {adj}völlig ruiniert
financially ruined {adj}finanziell ruiniert
2 Words: Verbs
to be ruinedin Trümmer gehen
to be ruined [coll.] [unable to take anymore]am Ende seiner Kraft / Kräfte sein
2 Words: Nouns
archi. relig. ruined abbeyAbteiruine {f}
archi. relig. ruined abbeyKlosterruine {f}
constr. ruined buildingRuine {f} [verfallenes oder zerstörtes Gebäude]
constr. ruined building [derelict building]verfallenes Gebäude {n}
archi. ruined castleBurgruine {f}
archi. ruined castleRuine {f} [Burgruine]
archi. ruined castlezerfallene Burg {f}
archi. ruined castlesRuinen {pl} [Burgruinen]
archi. constr. relig. ruined churchKirchenruine {f}
archi. ruined citiesRuinenstädte {pl}
archi. ruined cityRuinenstadt {f}
archi. relig. ruined conventKlosterruine {f} [Nonnenkloster]
constr. ruined factoryFabrikruine {f}
ruined marriageschwer angeschlagene Ehe {f}
archi. relig. ruined monasteryKlosterruine {f} [Mönchskloster]
archaeo. archi. ruined templeTempelruine {f}
ruined townzerstörte Stadt {f}
3 Words: Others
econ. All were ruined.Alle waren ruiniert.
sth. is ruined for sb.jdm. ist etw. verleidet
4 Words: Others
Bad company ruined him.Schlechter Umgang ruinierte ihn.
5+ Words: Others
quote The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. [Clarence Darrow]Die erste Hälfte unseres Lebens wird uns von unseren Eltern ruiniert, die zweite Hälfte von unseren Kindern!
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Ruined Map [Kōbō Abe]Der verbrannte Stadtplan
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A 2014-11-04: masonry / walls ruined by fire
A 2011-09-24: oder: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22the+only+one+to+have+his+weekend+ru...
A 2011-01-01: +ruined dinner+ Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2009-04-29: ruined (apparently)
A 2008-06-01: sth is destroyed / ruined / sapped by underfunding
A 2007-08-30: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22once+your+reputation+...
A 2006-12-19: Of course, I've ruined you all now
A 2004-09-22: t h e y have ruined your life

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