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English-German translation for: SAM Schiene
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Dictionary English German: SAM Schiene

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

NOUN   die SAM-Schiene | die SAM-Schienen
FireResc MedTech. SAM® splintSAM-Schiene {f} [Gattungsname für die Alu-Polsterschiene; SAM®]
Partial Matches
film F Pyrates [Noah Stern]Ari & Sam
RadioTV F Fireman Sam [Br.]Feuerwehrmann Sam
biochem. S-adenosyl methionine <SAM>S-Adenosylmethionin {n} <SAM>
film F I am Sam [Jessie Nelson]Ich bin Sam
lit. F You've Reached Sam [Dustin Thao]Bleib bei mir, Sam
film F Ghost [Jerry Zucker]GhostNachricht von Sam
RadioTV F Sam the (American Bald) Eagle [The Muppet Show]Sam, der amerikanische Adler
film F Play It Again, Sam [Woody Allen]Mach's noch einmal, Sam
electr. bar [busbar]Schiene {f}
dent. MedTech. splintSchiene {f}
lit. F Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness [Charles Bukowski]Das Leben und Sterben im Uncle Sam Hotel
film quote F Play it, Sam. Play »As Time Goes By.« [Casablanca]Spiel es, Sam! Spiel »As Time Goes By«!
rail by rail {adv}per Schiene
MedTech. emergency splintbehelfsmäßige Schiene {f}
dent. (teeth) whitening trayBleaching-Schiene {f}
single raileinzelne Schiene {f}
dent. stabilization splint [Michigan splint]Michigan-Schiene {f}
weapons Picatinny rail [MIL-STD-1913 rail, STANAG 2324 rail]Picatinny-Schiene {f}
weapons tactical railPicatinny-Schiene {f}
MedTech. Stack's splintStack-Schiene {f}
tech. U-railU-Schiene {f}
MedTech. Stack's splintStack'sche Schiene {f}
rail wheel / rail contactRad-Schiene-Kontakt {m}
rail wheel-to-rail contactRad-Schiene-Kontakt {m}
rail wheel / rail systemRad-Schiene-System {n}
MedTech. Stack splint [for mallet finger]Schiene {f} nach Stack
constr. furn. rail railSchiene {f} [auch Vorhangsschiene etc.]
FireResc railway rescue vehicleRüstwagen-Schiene {m} <RW-S>
to clear the trackdie Schiene frei machen
rail rail cargoGüterverkehr {m} auf der Schiene
dent. (dental) aligner [invisible aligner]Aligner-Schiene {f} [transparente, herausnehmbare Zahnspange]
on an emotional level {adv}auf der emotionalen Schiene [ugs.]
transport by rail and roadsTransport {m} auf Straße und Schiene
entom. tibiaSchiene {f} [Teil des Beines der Gliederfüßer]
mus. rib [woodwind instrument mechanism support]Schiene {f} [Träger der Mechanik bei Holzblasinstrumenten]
med. stax / Stax (finger) splint [for mallet finger] [less frequent than: Stack's splint]stacksche Schiene {f} [auch: Stack'sche Schiene]
tech. on the middle rack {adv} [of the oven]auf der mittleren Schiene [des Ofens]
games F Trains & Trucks TycoonSchiene & Strasse: Der 3D-Transport-Manager
dent. Michigan splintMichigan-Schiene {f} [Schienentherapie nach Ash und Ramfjord]
bibl. (the Book of) First Samuel <1 Sam., 1 Sm., 1 Sa., 1 S.>das erste Buch {n} Samuel <1. Samuel, 1. Sam., 1 Sam., 1Sam.>
bibl. 1 Samuel <1 Sam., 1 Sm., 1 Sa., 1 S.>das erste Buch {n} Samuel <1. Samuel, 1. Sam., 1 Sam., 1Sam.>
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