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Dictionary English German: SD

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SYNO   Coyote State | Mount Rushmore State ... 
comp. SD™ {adj} [Secure Digital]SD-™
geogr. pol. Sudan <.sd>
Sudan {m}
2 Words: Nouns
electr. protective diode <PD>Schutzdiode {f} <SD>
tech. safety department <SD>Sicherheitsabteilung {f} <SA>
med. Scheuermann's disease <SD>Scheuermann-Krankheit {f}
med. Scheuermann's disease <SD> [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium]Morbus Scheuermann {m}
insur. law naut. sea damage <SD> [average]Havarie {f} [Schaden]
med. seborrheic dermatitis [Am.]seborrhoische Dermatitis {f} <SD>
med. seborrhoeic dermatitis <SD> [Br.]seborrhoische Dermatitis {f} <SD>
econ. spec. secured distribution <SD>Secured Distribution {f} [fachspr.]
admin. hist. Unverified Security Service [Nazi intelligence service]Sicherheitsdienst (des Reichsführers-SS) {m} <SD>
psych. semantic dementia <SD>semantische Demenz {f} <SD>
comp. sequence diagram <SD>Sequenzdiagramm {n} <SD>
med. shoulder disarticulation <SD>Schulterexartikulation {f}
med. shoulder dystocia <SD>Schulterdystokie {f}
phys. silicon detector <SD>Siliziumdetektor {m}
electr. snubber diode <SD>Schutzdiode {f} <SD> [ugs. auch: Snubber-Diode]
geogr. South Dakota <SD> [Mount Rushmore State, Coyote State]Süddakota {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
geogr. South Dakota <SD> [Mount Rushmore State, Coyote State]South Dakota {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
med. spastic diplegia <SD>spastische Diplegie {f}
RadioTV standard definition <SD>Standardauflösung {f}
comp. structured design <SD>strukturiertes Design {n} <SD>
astron. subdwarf (star) <sd>Unterzwerg {m}
med. suspected diagnosis <SD>Verdachtsdiagnose {f} [Qualifier: SD]
VetMed. swine dysentery <SD>Schweinedysenterie {f} <SD>
econ. tech. system documentation <SD>Systemdokumentation {f} <SD>
ecol. econ. sociol. system dynamics <SD>Systemdynamik {f} <SD>
ecol. econ. sociol. system dynamics <SD> [modelling methodology developed by Jay W. Forrester]System Dynamics {f} <SD> [Methodik entwickelt von Jay W. Forrester]
med. systemic disease <SD>systemische Erkrankung {f}
med. MedTech. thyroid scan [thyroid scintigraphy]Schilddrüsenscan {m} <SD-Scan>
comp. electr. transmit data <TD, TxD> [e.g., pin-out and LED designations]Sendedaten {pl} <SD>
3 Words: Nouns
med. deviated (nasal) septum <DNS>Septumdeviation {f} <SD> [fachspr.]
med. nasal septum deviation <NSD>Septumdeviation {f} <SD> [fachspr.]
comp. secure digital card <SD card> [SD™]SD-Karte {f} [SD™]
med. septal / septum deviation <SD>Septumdeviation {f} <SD> [fachspr.]
MedTech. phys. solid-state detector <SSD, SD>Festkörperdetektor {m} <FD>
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. pol. Republic of the Sudan <.sd>Republik {f} Sudan
comp. secure digital memory card <SD memory card> [SD™]SD-Karte {f} [SD™]
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A 2012-07-27: SD
A 2011-04-30: Vielleicht: Bis zum Ausschöpfen der (Karten)Kapazität können mehrere Datei...
A 2010-03-05: ... remains the principal request and the specific policy claim of SD parties
A 2009-12-29: SD -> intern
Q 2007-04-19: SD?
Q 2007-04-17: sd
A 2007-03-07: SD card player?
A 2005-02-07: Ich meine "sd."

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