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English-German translation for: ST-Hebungsinfarkt
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Dictionary English German: ST Hebungsinfarkt

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NOUN   der ST-Hebungsinfarkt | die ST-Hebungsinfarkte
med. non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction <NSTEMI>Nicht-ST-Hebungsinfarkt {m} <NSTEMI>
med. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction <STEMI>ST-Hebungsinfarkt {m} <STEMI>
Partial Matches
archi. St. Michael's Church [Munich]St.-Michaels-Kirche {f} [München]
archi. TrVocab. Theatine Church of St. CajetanTheatinerkirche {f} St. Kajetan
orn. T
hist. Order of St. / Saint ElizabethSt. Elisabethenorden {m} [auch: St. Elisabethen-Orden]
geogr. Great St. Bernard (Pass)Großer St. Bernhard {m}
gastr. fish T
geogr. St. George branch [of the Danube]St.-Georgs-Arm {m} [Mündungsarm der Donau]
archi. St. Hedwig's Cathedral [in Berlin]St.-Hedwigs-Kathedrale {f} [Eigenschreibweise: St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale]
bot. T
med. ST depression [ECG]ST-Senkung {f} [EKG]
med. ST segment [ECG]ST-Strecke {f} [EKG]
psych. systemic therapy <ST>Systemische Therapie {f} <ST>
archi. TrVocab. St. Sebaldus ChurchKirche {f} St. Sebald
hist. relig. St. Blaise Abbey [also: Saint Blaise Abbey]Kloster {n} St. Blasien [auch: Kloster Sankt Blasien]
lit. relig. St Crispin's Day speech [25 October] [William Shakespeare, Henry V]St.-Crispins-Tag-Rede {f}
med. sinus tachycardia <ST>Sinustachykardie {f} <ST>
med. sinus thrombosis <ST>Sinusthrombose {f} <ST>
econ. tech. system test <ST>Systemtest {m} <ST>
film F St. Trinian's [Oliver Parker and Barnaby Thompson]Die Girls von St. Trinian
St. Pauli Piers [St. Pauli Landing Stages / Bridges, Hamburg]St.-Pauli-Landungsbrücken {pl}
geogr. St Andrews [Scottish Gaelic: Cill Rìmhinn; Scots: Saunt Aundraes]St Andrews
anat. biol. slow-twitch fibers [Am.] <ST fibers>ST-Fasern {pl} [Typ-I-Fasern]
anat. biol. slow-twitch fibres [Br.] <ST fibres>ST-Fasern {pl} [Typ-I-Fasern]
orn. T
St Piran's Day [national day of Cornwall, 5 March every year]St.-Pirans-Tag {m} [Cornwall, GB]
educ. relig. St. Petersburg Theological Academy (and Seminary)Geistliche Akademie {f} St. Petersburg
entom. T
entom. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
relig. feast day of St. Adelaide [Adelaide of Italy, Burgundy] [16 December]St. Adelheid [ohne Artikel] [Gedenktag der heiligen Adelheid (von Burgund)] [16. Dezember]
relig. Saint {adj} <St., St, S., S> [attr.] [abbr. St. or S. = Am.; abbr. St or S = Br.]Sankt <St.> [Beispiele: der Sankt / St. Peter, die Sankt / St. Elisabeth, das Sankt / St. Gallen]
film lit. F St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries [Harry Potter]St.-Mungo-Hospital {n} für magische Krankheiten und Verletzungen
lit. F St. Ives: Being The Adventures of a French Prisoner in England [Robert Louis Stevenson (unfinished), completed by Arthur Quiller-Couch]Flucht ins Abenteuer / St. Ives
textil. to knit stockinette stitch <st. st> [Am.] [alternate a knit row with a purl row]glatt rechts stricken [Hinreihe rechts, Rückreihe links]
textil. to knit stocking stitch <st. st> [Br.] [alternate a knit row with a purl row]glatt rechts stricken [Hinreihe rechts, Rückreihe links]
econ. pol. St. Petersburg International Economic Forum <SPIEF>Internationales Wirtschaftsforum {n} in St. Petersburg <SPIEF>
zool. T
UWH St Mary's Cathedral and St Michael's Church at HildesheimDom {m} und St. Michael zu Hildesheim
geogr. St. Petersburg [Russia]St. Petersburg {n} [Russland]
phys. unit Stanton number <St>Stanton-Zahl {f} <St>
phys. unit Stokes number <St>Stokes-Zahl {f} <St>
med. supportive therapy <ST>supportive Therapie {f} <ST>
film F St. Elmo's Fire [Joel Schumacher]St. Elmo's Fire - Die Leidenschaft brennt tief
med. MedTech. Steinman pinSteinmann-Nagel {m} <ST.-Nagel, St.-Nagel>
relig. Saint George's Day <St George's Day, St. George's Day> [April 23]Georgi {m} [ugs.] [Georgitag]
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