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English-German translation for: SW
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Dictionary English German: SW

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SYNO   SW | sou'-west | southwest ... 
ling. southwest German {adj}südwestdeutsch <SW> <südwdt.>
comp. software <SW>
Software {f}
southwest <SW>
Südwesten {m} <SW>
comp. shareware <SW>
Shareware {f}
geogr. southwest <SW>
Südwest {m} <SW>
RadioTV shortwave <SW>
Kurzwelle {f} <KW>
comp. application software <application sw>Applikationssoftware {f} <Applikations-SW>
short wave <SW>Dekameterwelle {f} [selten] [Kurzwelle]
comp. graphics software <graphics SW>Grafiksoftware {f} <Grafik-SW>
electr. phys. sawtooth wave <STW, SW>Kippschwingung {f}
electr. phys. saw wave <SW> [sawtooth wave]Kippschwingung {f} [Sägezahnschwingung]
RadioTV short wave <SW>Kurzwelle {f} <KW>
comp. ind. tech. machine software <machine SW>Maschinensoftware {f} <Maschinen-SW>
engin. phys. surface wave <SW>Oberflächenwelle {f}
comp. software bug <SW bug>Programmfehler {m}
comp. econ. process software <process SW>Prozesssoftware {f} <Prozess-SW>
electr. phys. saw wave <SW> [sawtooth wave]Sägezahnschwingung {f}
sports sand wedge <SW> [golf]Sandwedge {m} <SW> [auch: Sand-Wedge] [Golfspiel]
FireResc hose laying vehicleSchlauchwagen {m} <SW>
tech. tools spanner size [Br.]Schlüsselweite {f} <SW>
tech. tools wrench sizeSchlüsselweite {f} <SW>
comp. software application <SW application>Softwareanwendung {f} <SW-Anwendung>
comp. software installation <SW installation>Softwareinstallation {f} <SW-Installation>
comp. software interrupt <SW interrupt>Softwareinterrupt {m} <SW-Interrupt> [auch: Software-Interrupt]
comp. law software licence agreement <SLA> [Br.]Softwarelizenzvertrag {m} <SW-Lizenzvertrag>
comp. law software license agreement <SLA> [Am.]Softwarelizenzvertrag {m} <SW-Lizenzvertrag>
comp. software localization <SW localization>Softwarelokalisation {f} <SW-Lokalisation>
comp. software localization <SW localization>Softwarelokalisierung {f} <SW-Lokalisierung>
comp. software module <SM, SWM, SW module>Softwaremodul {n} <SM, SWM, SW-Modul>
comp. software portability <SW portability>Softwareportabilität {f} <SW-Portabilität>
comp. software engineering <SW engineering, SE>Softwaretechnik {f} <SW-Technik>
comp. memory software <memory sw>Speichersoftware {f} <Speicher-SW>
med. stab wound <SW>Stichwunde {f} <SW>
2 Words: Others
electr. blue/black {adj} [color code]blau-schwarz <bl/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. brown/black {adj} [color code]braun-schwarz <br/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. yellow/black {adj} [color code]gelb-schwarz <ge/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. grey/black {adj} [Br.] [color code]grau-schwarz <gr/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. green/black {adj} [color code]grün-schwarz <gn/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. pink/black {adj} [color code]rosa-schwarz <rs/sw> [Farbcode]
electr. red/black {adj} [color code]rot-schwarz <rt/sw> [Farbcode]
black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w>schwarz-weiß <sw, s/w>
black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w, BW, B/W>Schwarz-Weiß- <SW, S/W>
black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W>schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
electr. white/black {adj} [color code]weiß-schwarz <ws/sw> [Farbcode]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. user software <user SW>Anwender-SW {f}
comp. ind. tech. machine software <machine SW>Maschinen-Software {f} <Maschinen-SW>
comp. econ. product software <product SW>Produkt-Software {f} <Produkt-SW>
comp. econ. process software <process SW>Prozess-Software {f} <Prozess-SW>
lit. publ. the complete workssämtliche Werke {pl} <SW>
comp. software application <SW application>Software-Anwendung {f} <SW-Anwendung>
comp. software compatibility list <SW compatibility list>Software-Kompatibilitätsliste {f} <SW-Kompatibilitätsliste>
comp. software <SW> translationSoftware-Übersetzung {f}
comp. software unit <SU, SWU, SW unit>Software-Unit {f} <SU, SWU, SW-Unit>
comp. software virtualization <SW virtualization>Software-Virtualisierung {f} <SW-Virtualisierung>
jobs SW programmerSW-Programmierer {m}
jobs SW programmer [female]SW-Programmiererin {f}
3 Words: Others
southwest by south <SWbS, SW by S>Südwest zu Süd <SWzS, SW zu S>
southwest by west <SWbW, SW by W>Südwest zu West <SWzW, SW zu W>
» See 3 more translations for SW within comments
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A 2016-08-25: allgemein oder SW-spezifisch ?
A 2016-02-20: +bloody+ is a sw
A 2011-01-20: Das Problem ist dieses Ineinanderfließen von Realität und Schauspiel, das ...
A 2010-12-05: I think SW and/or his editor screwed up here. What he probably meant is "p...
A 2009-07-21: The testing of the sw module shall be assigned to the sw supplier.
Q 2009-02-26: Get the fantastic [SW-Programm] on your mobile!
A 2008-09-18: Old High German swīhhan (dialectical German +schweichen+ ‘wander roun...
Q 2008-08-03: Text über Sensortechnik, unverständlicher Begriff "SW protection sticker"
A 2008-05-25: I couldnt find it but hey, i'm just here in the SW of UK. could try Schaden +
A 2007-05-15: @ SW
A 2007-04-15: SW
A 2007-04-13: also what is Sw Frs? and would it help me?
A 2006-09-07: SW UK but not originally....obviously
A 2006-02-23: Jim I am in GB in SW of GB to be precise...
A 2004-08-31: As SW is the name of a magazine

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• SW
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