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English-German translation for: Sacred
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Dictionary English German: Sacred

Translation 1 - 50 of 137  >>

English German
ADJ   sacred | more sacred | most sacred
VERB  to sacre | sacred | sacred ... 
SYNO   hallowed | sacred | consecrated ... 
sacred {adj}
sacred {adj}
sacred {adj}
relig. sacred {adj}
sacred {adj}
2 Words: Verbs
to consider sacredfür heilig halten
to hold sth. sacredetw.Akk. heilighalten
to keep sth. sacredetw.Akk. heilighalten
2 Words: Nouns
bibl. (sacred) pillar [of stone]Steinmal {n}
archi. sacred architectureSakralarchitektur {f}
art relig. sacred artSakralkunst {f}
archaeo. relig. sacred bogMoorheiligtum {n}
relig. sacred bookheiliges Buch {n}
archi. relig. sacred buildingSakralbau {m}
archi. relig. sacred buildingsSakralbauten {pl}
sacred cityheilige Stadt {f}
hist. relig. sacred communitySakralgemeinschaft {f}
mus. sacred concertgeistliches Konzert {n} [Veranstaltung]
mus. relig. sacred concertogeistliches Konzert {n} [Komposition]
sacred cow [also fig.]heilige Kuh {f} [auch fig.]
sacred dutyheilige Pflicht {f}
philos. sacred giftgöttliches Geschenk {n}
hist. relig. sacred groveheiliger Hain {m} [vorchristlich]
hist. relig. sacred historyheilige Geschichte {f}
relig. sacred history [literally "salvation history"]Heilsgeschichte {f}
ling. relig. sacred language [cultivated for religious reasons, like Latin, Arabic etc.]Sakralsprache {f}
mus. relig. sacred musicKirchenmusik {f}
mus. sacred musicgeistliche Musik {f}
sacred placegeweihter Ort {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. sacred precinctSakralbezirk {m}
sacred precinctgeweihter Bezirk {m}
sacred prostitutionTempelprostitution {f}
sacred prostitutionkultische Prostitution {f}
relig. sacred Scripturesheilige Schriften {pl}
sacred siteheilige Stätte {f}
relig. sacred sitesHeiligtümer {pl} [heilige Stätten]
archi. relig. sacred spaceSakralraum {m}
relig. sacred spacesakraler Raum {m}
archi. relig. sacred structureSakralbau {m}
relig. sacred vesselheiliges Gefäß {n}
mus. sacred worksgeistliche Werke {pl}
relig. sacred writingsheilige Schriften {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to be sacred to sb.jdm. heilig sein
3 Words: Nouns
hist. First Sacred War [595 BC - 585 BC]Erster Heiliger Krieg {m}
hist. Fourth Sacred War [340 BC 338 BC]Vierter Heiliger Krieg {m}
mus. relig. theatre sacred festival dramaBühnenweihfestspiel {n} [Parsifal]
pol. Sacred Heart socialistHerz-Jesu-Sozialist {m} [seltener: Herzjesu-Sozialist]
relig. Sacred Roman RotaRömische Rota {f}
mus. sacred vocal worksgeistliche Vokalwerke {pl}
hist. Second Sacred War [449 BC - 448 BC]Zweiter Heiliger Krieg {m}
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A 2017-09-28: This sacred wedding of the Sun and Moon, of all that is good and bad, we c...
Q 2015-12-02: they say life is sacred, i say i can take it
A 2014-12-30: sacred - verarscht ???? No way.
Q 2014-12-30: Is nothing sacred?
A 2014-12-17: 17:18 typo: inter +alia+ \ sacred forces ~ holy agencies
Q 2012-10-19: Sacred Caesarian Catholic Majesty
Q 2010-11-21: sacred time
A 2010-06-24: It should mean that he is not sacred,
A 2009-12-16: Listen to G. F. Händel: "I know that my redeemer liveth" from the Sacred O...
A 2009-11-27: 'Money' and 'sacred' are not opposites. Giving money can be/is a sacred ac...
A 2009-07-01: Although I like the 'sacred cause' the use of 'endeavour' should be fine.
A 2009-05-14: ...and the sacred Google just deigns to give it 1 hit....
A 2009-03-04: "was sacred to" is the equivalent translation.
A 2009-01-24: We're the Commonwealth, the Empire, Sacred Albion - Europe's just a bunch ...
A 2008-09-11: sacred rooms
A 2008-02-28: heiliges Gebein > sacred relics
A 2008-02-28: sign of....as there the sacred bone .....
Q 2006-01-02: The eagle is a highly important animal sacred to all Indian beliefs.
A 2004-06-05: the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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