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English-German translation for: Salz in die Wunde streuen
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Dictionary English German: Salz in die Wunde streuen

Translation 1 - 50 of 26422  >>

VERB   Salz in die Wunde streuen | streute Salz in die Wunde/Salz in die Wunde streute | Salz in die Wunde gestreut
to twist the knife (in the wound) [idiom]Salz in die Wunde streuen [Redewendung]
Keywords contained
to rub salt into the wound [fig.]Salz auf / in die Wunde streuen [fig.]
to rub it in [idiom] [twist the knife](noch) Salz auf / in die Wunde streuen [Redewendung]
Partial Matches
to salt [scatter salt]Salz streuen
to throw sand into sb.'s eyes [also fig.]jdm. Sand in die Augen streuen
idiom proverb to put salt on the tail (of an animal)Salz auf den Schwanz (des Tieres) streuen
to throw dust into sb.'s eyes [idiom]jdm. Sand in die Augen streuen [Redewendung]
to bring up a painful subjectden Finger in die Wunde legen [Redewendung]
to grit the roaddie Straße streuen
The wound turned septic.Die Wunde eiterte.
med. The wound scabbed over.Die Wunde ist verschorft.
med. to staunch a wounddie Blutung einer Wunde stillen
to swab the wound with iodineJod auf die Wunde tupfen
to salt down / awayin Salz legen
solution of salt in waterLösung {f} von Salz in Wasser
that extra something [idiom]das Salz {n} in der Suppe [fig.] [Redewendung]
That's what gives it that extra something. [idiom]Das ist das Salz in der Suppe. [Redewendung]
to live in dire povertynicht das Salz in der Suppe haben [Redewendung]
to begrudge sb. the (very) air he / she breathes [idiom]jdm. nicht das Salz in der Suppe gönnen [Redewendung]
to dispersestreuen
to diversifystreuen
to dust [sprinkle]streuen
to strewstreuen
to strow [archaic]streuen
to scatter sth.etw. streuen
to scatter flowersBlumen streuen
to strew flowersBlumen streuen
to diversify investmentsInvestitionen streuen
phys. to disperse lightLicht streuen
to spread sth.etw.Akk. streuen
to stray sth. [obs.] [strew]etw.Akk. streuen
to spread rumours [Br.]Gerüchte streuen [fig.]
to speak in high terms of sb.jdm. Rosen streuen [fig]
agr. to cast seeds [also fig.]Samen streuen [auch fig.]
lit. F The History of Hans Stare-in-the-Air [trans.: Mark Twain]Die Geschichte vom Hanns Guck-in-die-Luft [Struwwelpeter / Heinrich Hoffmann]
to put / throw a spanner in the works [Br.] [idiom]Sand ins Getriebe streuen [Redewendung]
to throw a (monkey) wrench in the works [Am.] [idiom]Sand ins Getriebe streuen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to wear sackcloth and ashes [fig.]sich Asche aufs Haupt streuen [fig.]
mus. relig. F We Plough the Fields and Scatter [Br.] [Thanksgiving Hymn]Wir pflügen und wir streuen [Matthias Claudius]
med. lesion [wound]Wunde {f}
med. scarWunde {f}
med. sore [also fig.]Wunde {f}
med. woundWunde {f}
med. trauma [physical]Wunde {f} [Verletzung]
med. aseptic woundaseptische Wunde {f}
med. treated woundbehandelte Wunde {f}
med. angry woundböse Wunde {f}
med. surgical woundchirurgische Wunde {f}
med. chronic woundchronische Wunde {f}
med. dehisced wounddehiszierte Wunde {f}
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