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English-German translation for: Santa
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Dictionary English German: Santa

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NOUN   a Santa | Santas
SYNO   Father Christmas | Kriss Kringle ... 
Santa [coll.]
Weihnachtsmann {m}
Santa [Father Christmas]Bulzermärtel {m} [ugs.] [fränkisch] [Weihnachtsmann]
2 Words: Nouns
Dirty Santa [Am.]Schrottwichteln {n}
myth. relig. Santa ClausSamichlaus {m} [schweiz.]
myth. relig. Santa ClausSamiklaus {m} [schweiz.]
myth. relig. Santa ClausWeihnachtsmann {m} [bes. nordd.]
myth. relig. Santa Claus [Saint Nicholas]Nikolaus {m}
games Secret SantaJulklapp {m} [nordd.]
games Secret SantaWichteln {n}
games Secret SantaEngerl und Bengerl {n} [österr.]
3 Words: Verbs
to believe in Santaan den Weihnachtsmann glauben
to do Secret Santawichteln [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. chocolate Santa ClausSchokoweihnachtsmann {m}
crappy Secret SantaSchrottwichteln {n}
cloth. Santa (Claus) costumeWeihnachtsmannkostüm {n}
cloth. Santa (Claus) hatWeihnachtsmannmütze {f}
meteo. Santa Ana windsTeufelswinde {pl}
meteo. Santa Ana windsSanta-Ana-Winde {pl}
geogr. Santa Maria FormationSanta-Maria-Formation {f}
Santa's little helperKnecht Ruprecht {m}
archi. relig. St. Mary Major [Papal major basilica]Santa Maria Maggiore {f} [auch: Unsere Liebe Frau vom Schnee]
4 Words: Nouns
Santa Claus' red sackSack {m} des Weihnachtsmanns
5+ Words: Others
Santa is not the Easter Bunny.Der Nikolaus ist nicht der Osterhase.
Would you like to get your picture taken with Santa?Möchtest du dich mit dem Weihnachtsmann fotografieren lassen?
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Bad Santa [Terry Zwigoff]Bad Santa
RadioTV F Santa BarbaraCalifornia Clan
lit. F Santa Cruise [Mary Higgins Clark, Carol Higgins Clark]Der Weihnachtsdieb auf hoher See
film F Santa Fe [Irving Pichel]Unsichtbare Gegner
film F Santa Fe Trail [Michael Curtiz]Land der Gottlosen
RadioTV F Santa's Little Helper [The Simpsons]Knecht Ruprecht [Die Simpsons]
RadioTV F The Rifleman [TV series]Westlich von Santa
film F The Secret of Santa Vittoria [Stanley Kramer]Das Geheimnis von Santa Vittoria
lit. F When Santa Fell to EarthAls der Weihnachtsmann vom Himmel fiel [Cornelia Funke]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
Makulan {m}
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
orn. T
orn. T
bot. T
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A 2012-08-24: wishes? Negotiations with Santa?
A 2010-12-31: Typo: Santa +Claus+
A 2010-12-16: Santa
A 2010-12-16: Is there a more innocent way to pick up women than being dressed up as Santa?
Q 2009-12-25: Santa robs bank
Q 2009-12-17: More on Santa Claus?
A 2009-12-06: Knecht Ruprecht > humble Rupert ( +Santa's little helper+ belongs to an en...
A 2009-12-06: "Santa's Little Helper" is generally a cute term - much too benign for Ruprect.
A 2009-12-06: +Ruprecht / Rupert / Robert+ harks back to Germanic mythology - +famebrigh...
A 2009-11-09: http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&q=%22flies++through+the+sky%22+sant...
A 2009-06-01: You believe in Santa?
A 2008-09-04: Danke, Santa Clauses googelt überraschend gut.
A 2007-12-24: Santa clause xD
A 2007-12-18: Santa Claus and Odin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus
Q 2007-12-18: Santa Claus(e)
A 2007-01-04: ho ho ho thanks a lot, Santa!
A 2005-11-02: santa hat
A 2005-11-02: A Santa hat ... ?
A 2005-01-23: =home on the Santa Ana River
A 2003-11-26: I have no idea how that Sandy/Christie sentence is supposed to relate to S...

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