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English-German translation for: Saxo-Thuringian Zone
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Saxo-Thuringian Zone in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Saxo Thuringian Zone

Translation 1 - 50 of 763  >>

geol. Saxo-Thuringian ZoneSaxothuringische Zone {f}
Partial Matches
Thuringian {adj}Thüringer [indekl.]
Thuringian {adj}thüringisch <thür.>
ethn. ThuringianThüringer {m}
ling. ThuringianThüringisch {n}
Thuringian [female]Thüringerin {f}
geogr. geol. Thuringian BasinThüringer Becken {n}
gastr. Thuringian bratwurstThüringer {f}
gastr. Thuringian bratwurstThüringer Bratwurst {f}
geogr. Thuringian ForestThüringer Wald {m}
geogr. Thuringian HighlandThüringer Schiefergebirge {n}
geogr. Thuringian HighlandThüringisches Schiefergebirge {n}
geogr. Thuringian HighlandsThüringer Schiefergebirge {n}
geogr. Thuringian Highlands {pl}Thüringisches Schiefergebirge {n}
gastr. Thuringian rostbratwurstThüringer Rostbratwurst {f}
agr. zool. T
zool. Thuringian forest donkeyMülleresel {m} [ugs.] [Thüringer Waldesel]
gastr. Thuringian liver sausageThüringer Leberwurst {f}
gastr. Thuringian red sausageThüringer Rotwurst {f}
zool. T
gastr. Thuringian rib steak sausageThüringer Rostbratwurst {f}
geogr. Thuringian-Vogtlandian Slate MountainsThüringer Schiefergebirge {n}
geogr. Thuringian-Vogtlandian Slate MountainsThüringisches Schiefergebirge {n}
travel Thuringian Forest Nature Park [Germany]Naturpark {m} Thüringer Wald
Thuringian glass [cheap lab glass from Thuringia]Thüringer Glas {n}
comp. zone constant angular velocity <zone CAV, Z-CAV, ZCAV>Zone CAV {f} <Z-CAV, ZCAV>
gastr. (Thuringian) potato dumplings ["green dumplings"; potato dough made from raw and boiled potatoes]grüne Klöße {pl} [regional, bes. Thüringen] [aus 2/3 rohem und 1/3 gekochtem Kartoffelteig]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
zoneBereich {m} {n}
zoneGebiet {n}
transp. zoneWabe {f} [Zone]
zoneZone {f}
anat. abdominal zoneBauchregion {f}
geol. ablation zoneAblationsgebiet {n}
geol. ablation zoneAbschmelzgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
geol. ablation zoneZehrgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
bot. abscission zoneAbszissionszone {f}
biol. ecol. geol. abyssal zoneAbyssal {n}
abyssal zoneabyssische Zone {f}
biol. hydro. abyssal zoneAbyssopelagial {n}
geol. meteo. accumulation zoneAkkumulationsgebiet {n}
geol. accumulation zoneNährgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
active zoneAktivzone {f}
market. advertising zoneStreufeld {n}
market. advertising zoneWerbezone {f}
geogr. geol. altitudinal zoneHöhenstufe {f}
annual zoneJahreszone {f}
geol. anticlinal zoneAntiklinalzone {f}
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