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English-German translation for: Scheuklappen anlegen
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Dictionary English German: Scheuklappen anlegen

Translation 1 - 50 of 176  >>

VERB   Scheuklappen anlegen | legte Scheuklappen an/Scheuklappen anlegte | Scheuklappen angelegt
equest. to blinkerScheuklappen anlegen
Partial Matches
equest. blinders [esp. Am.]Scheuklappen {pl}
equest. blindsScheuklappen {pl}
equest. blinkersScheuklappen {pl}
equest. winkersScheuklappen {pl}
Unverified andabatarian {adj} [fig.] [lit.]mit Scheuklappen [fig.]
idiom to wear blinders [fig.] [Am.]mit Scheuklappen denken
neol. mindcuffs {pl} [fig.]Scheuklappen {pl} [fig.] [des Denkens]
equest. blinkered {adj} [esp. Br.] [horse]mit Scheuklappen [nachgestellt] [Pferd]
to have blinders on [fig.]Scheuklappen tragen [auch fig.]
equest. to have blinkers on [Br.] [also fig.]Scheuklappen tragen [auch fig.]
to wear blinkers [also fig.]Scheuklappen tragen [auch fig.]
to have blinders on [Am.] [fig.]Scheuklappen aufhaben [auch fig.] [ugs.]
to have blinkers on [Br.] [also fig.]Scheuklappen aufhaben [ugs.] [auch fig.]
naut. to berthanlegen
naut. to mooranlegen
naut. berthingAnlegen {n}
naut. landingAnlegen {n}
naut. mooring [act of mooring]Anlegen {n}
fin. to invest (sth.)(etw.) anlegen
naut. to landanlegen [Schiff]
naut. to put inanlegen [Schiff]
naut. on landing {adv} [ship etc.]beim Anlegen
fin. to invest moneyGeld anlegen
fin. to make an investmentGeld anlegen
fin. to make investmentsGeld anlegen
to place fundsGeld anlegen
to manacleHandfesseln anlegen
to apply cuffsHandschellen anlegen
fin. to invest capitalKapital anlegen
naut. to come alongsidelängsseits anlegen
naut. to lay aboard [to come alongside]längsseits anlegen
to stock up with / on provisionsLebensmittelvorräte anlegen
to impose standardsMaßstäbe anlegen
to reticulatenetzförmig anlegen
to build up reservesReserven anlegen
electr. to apply voltageSpannung anlegen
electr. to apply powerStrom anlegen
relig. to put on tephillin [spv.]Tephillin anlegen
to invest with confidencevertrauensvoll anlegen
to build up reservesVorräte anlegen
to build up stocksVorräte anlegen
to lay in stocksVorräte anlegen
to re-investwieder anlegen
to reinvestwieder anlegen
to put out at interestzinsbringend anlegen
to set sth. upetw. anlegen [Kartei]
to draw up sth.etw. anlegen [Liste]
to lay back sth.etw. anlegen [Ohren]
to get sth. in [supplies]etw. anlegen [Vorrat]
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