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English-German translation for: Scoring
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Dictionary English German: Scoring

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VERB  to score | scored | scored ... 
SYNO   grading | marking | scoring
scoring {adj} {pres-p}
scoring {adj} {pres-p}Punkte erzielend
mus. scoring
Besetzung {f}
mus. scoring
Scoring {n} [Filmvertonung]
film mus. scoring
Vertonung {f}
scoring [scratching]
Ritzen {n}
Punktebewertung {f}
Spielergebnis {n}
spec. scoring
Beurteilung {f} [Scoring]
scoringPunktbewertungsverfahren {n}
scoringErzielen {n} eines Punktes
med. stat. scoring [result determination](zahlenmäßige) Ergebnisbestimmung {f}
2 Words: Others
sports high-scoring {adj} [goals]torreich
2 Words: Nouns
application scoringAntragsbewertung {f}
fin. credit scoringKreditscoring {n}
fin. credit scoringKreditwürdigkeitsprüfung {f}
acad. objective scoringAuswertungsobjektivität {f}
math. stat. reverse scoringUmpolung {f}
sports scoring chance [football]Torchance {f}
sports scoring charts [football]Torschützenliste {f}
sports scoring criteriaScoring-Kriterien {pl} [selten auch: Scoringkriterien]
econ. QM scoring model [cost-utility analysis]Scoring-Modell {n} [Punktwertverfahren]
sports scoring opportunitySchussmöglichkeit {f} [Fußball]
sports scoring opportunity [football]Tormöglichkeit {f}
scoring pointsPunktgewinne {pl}
sports scoring record [of football player]Torausbeute {f}
scoring schemeBewertungsschema {n}
scoring sheetAuswertformular {n}
scoring sheetAuswertungsblatt {n}
sports scoring spreeSchützenfest {n} [fig.]
scoring systemPunktesystem {n}
med. spec. scoring systemScoring-System {n}
tech. scoring wheelRillrad {n}
3 Words: Verbs
sports to open the scoringden Torreigen eröffnen
3 Words: Nouns
sports (goal-)scoring machine [football team]Torfabrik {f}
sports goal-scoring opportunitiesTormöglichkeiten {pl}
sports non-scoring strikerNull-Tore-Stürmer {m}
4 Words: Verbs
sports to make goal-scoring chancessich Torchancen erspielen
4 Words: Nouns
agr. VetMed. body condition score / scoring <BCS>Körperkonditionsbeurteilung {f}
comp. Common Vulnerability Scoring System <CVSS>Common Vulnerability Scoring System {n} <CVSS>
med. international prognostic scoring system <IPSS>internationaler Prognosescore {m} für MDS
5+ Words: Verbs
sports to squander several good scoring chances [e.g. football / soccer]mehrere gute Torchancen vergeben
5+ Words: Nouns
med. WHO-adapted prognostic scoring system <WPSS>WHO-adaptierter Prognosescore {m} für MDS
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A 2019-02-19: bread scoring?
A 2018-12-16: the excellent lineup/instrumentation/setting/scoring/orchestration of the ...
A 2012-10-27: scoring momentum, goal-scoring momentum
Q 2011-01-21: duly credited with the achievement of 85% scoring as "Best Manager"
Q 2010-03-26: scoring definition
A 2010-02-23: In the end he won scoring * points and had made the dream of his youth com...
A 2010-01-02: The qualified candidate for the final state exam passed the first judicial...
A 2009-10-26: would you need some help with the scoring of the music and the editing of ...
A 2009-01-21: weight > Gewichtung, scoring > Bewertung
A 2009-01-21: Hätten Sie auch eine Idee über "weight" und "scoring"?
A 2008-12-19: 'Freudentanz' perhaps? Not at the end of the game, but after scoring 6 points.
Q 2008-12-02: Propensity Score/Scoring Analysis
A 2008-10-14: A scoring system for the "game players" is probably the best solution.
A 2008-09-19: Despite all his mistakes, the substitution of Ernst raised disputes, as hi...
A 2008-07-06: Scoring drugs.
Q 2008-06-02: punkten - scoring points?
A 2008-04-03: scoring: Riefenbildung (durch Verschleiß)
Q 2008-04-03: Non-scoring solid
A 2007-10-27: prevented them from scoring
Q 2007-07-27: performance scoring... kaum, weitgehend, voll, herausragend erfuellt,

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