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English-German translation for: Scoring-Kriterien
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Dictionary English German: Scoring Kriterien

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sports scoring criteriaScoring-Kriterien {pl} [selten auch: Scoringkriterien]
Partial Matches
econ. QM scoring model [cost-utility analysis]Scoring-Modell {n} [Punktwertverfahren]
mus. scoringScoring {n} [Filmvertonung]
criteria {pl}Kriterien {pl}
criterions [rare] [criteria]Kriterien {pl}
to establish criteriaKriterien aufstellen
to meet criteriaKriterien erfüllen
EU Copenhagen criteriaKopenhagener Kriterien {pl}
med. psych. diagnostic criteriadiagnostische Kriterien {pl}
general criteriaallgemeine Kriterien {pl}
law commercial law principleshandelsrechtliche Kriterien {pl}
to satisfy the criteriadie Kriterien erfüllen
to fulfil certain criteria [Br.]bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen
ill-defined criteriaunzureichend / ungenügend definierte Kriterien {pl}
med. according to histological criteria {adv}nach feingeweblichen Kriterien
to qualify as sth.die Kriterien für etw. erfüllen
to tick all the boxes [idiom]alle Kriterien erfüllen
scoring {adj} {pres-p}erzielend
mus. scoringBesetzung {f}
scoringPunktbewertungsverfahren {n}
scoringPunktebewertung {f}
scoringSpielergebnis {n}
film mus. scoringVertonung {f}
med. spec. scoring systemScoring-System {n}
scoring {adj} {pres-p}Punkte erzielend
spec. scoringBeurteilung {f} [Scoring]
scoring [scratching]Ritzen {n}
application scoringAntragsbewertung {f}
fin. credit scoringKreditscoring {n}
fin. credit scoringKreditwürdigkeitsprüfung {f}
acad. objective scoringAuswertungsobjektivität {f}
math. stat. reverse scoringUmpolung {f}
scoring pointsPunktgewinne {pl}
scoring schemeBewertungsschema {n}
scoring sheetAuswertformular {n}
scoring sheetAuswertungsblatt {n}
scoring systemPunktesystem {n}
tech. scoring wheelRillrad {n}
scoringErzielen {n} eines Punktes
sports high-scoring {adj} [goals]torreich
sports scoring chance [football]Torchance {f}
sports scoring charts [football]Torschützenliste {f}
sports scoring opportunitySchussmöglichkeit {f} [Fußball]
sports scoring opportunity [football]Tormöglichkeit {f}
sports scoring spreeSchützenfest {n} [fig.]
sports goal-scoring opportunitiesTormöglichkeiten {pl}
med. stat. scoring [result determination](zahlenmäßige) Ergebnisbestimmung {f}
comp. Common Vulnerability Scoring System <CVSS>Common Vulnerability Scoring System {n} <CVSS>
sports scoring record [of football player]Torausbeute {f}
sports to open the scoringden Torreigen eröffnen
sports (goal-)scoring machine [football team]Torfabrik {f}
sports non-scoring strikerNull-Tore-Stürmer {m}
agr. VetMed. body condition score / scoring <BCS>Körperkonditionsbeurteilung {f}
sports to make goal-scoring chancessich Torchancen erspielen
med. international prognostic scoring system <IPSS>internationaler Prognosescore {m} für MDS
med. Duke criteria [also: Duke's criteria]Duke-Kriterien {pl}
med. Ranson criteria [also: Ranson's criteria]Ranson-Kriterien {pl}
med. Rome II criteriaRom-II-Kriterien {pl}
sports to squander several good scoring chances [e.g. football / soccer]mehrere gute Torchancen vergeben
med. Jones criteriaJones-Kriterien {pl}
econ. EU fin. Maastricht criteriaMaastricht-Kriterien {pl}
med. WHO-adapted prognostic scoring system <WPSS>WHO-adaptierter Prognosescore {m} für MDS
med. QM German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria>G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP]
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