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English-German translation for: Search engine
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Dictionary English German: Search engine

Translation 1 - 50 of 1184  >>

NOUN   a search engine | search engines
comp. Internet search engineSuchmaschine {f}
Keywords contained
Internet search engine optimized {adj} {past-p}suchmaschinenoptimiert
Internet advanced search engineintelligente Suchmaschine {f}
comp. desktop search engineDesktop-Suchmaschine {f} [auch: Desktopsuchmaschine]
Internet internet search engineInternetsuchmaschine {f}
Internet market. search engine advertising <SEA>Suchmaschinenwerbung {f}
Internet market. search engine marketing <SEM>Suchmaschinenmarketing {n}
comp. Internet search engine optimization <SEO>Suchmaschinenoptimierung {f}
Internet search engine positioning <SEP>Suchmaschinenpositionierung {f}
search engine optimisation <SEO> [Br.]Suchmaschinenoptimierung {f}
Internet search engine result pages <SERPs>Ergebnisseiten {pl} von Suchmaschinen
Partial Matches
spark ignition engine <SI engine>Fremdzündungsmotor {m}
to searchabsuchen
to searchAusschau halten
to searchdurchforschen
to searchdurchsehen
to searchdurchstöbern
to searchdurchsuchen
to searchfahnden
to searchforschen
to searchnachforschen
to searchsuchen
to searchüberprüfen
to searchuntersuchen
to searchvisitieren [z. B. Gepäck] [veraltet]
searchDurchsicht {f}
searchDurchsuchung {f}
searchFahndung {f}
searchForschung {f}
searchNachforschung {f}
searchSuchaktion {f}
searchSuche {f}
comp. searchSuchlauf {m}
searchÜberprüfung {f}
searchUntersuchung {f}
comp. search-based {adj}suchbasiert
to search afterdurchsuchen
to search fornachsuchen
to search forsuchen nach
Internet to search onlineim Internet recherchieren
to search thoroughlygründlich durchsuchen
comp. (search) querySuchanfrage {f}
accelerated searchbeschleunigte Suche {f}
additional searchZusatzsuche {f}
address searchAdressensuche {f}
Internet advanced searchDetailsuche {f}
comp. advanced searcherweiterte Suche {f}
RealEst. apartment searchWohnungssuche {f}
area searchFlächensuche {f}
comp. backwards searchRückwärtssuche {f}
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Search time: 0.033 sec

A 2014-07-31: You might also want to check your search engine settings.
A 2014-04-18: bookmarked search engine
Q 2014-02-17: Bug in search engine?
A 2010-04-24: K seems to be right as to the purport of +lockout agreement+ (it helps to ...
A 2009-12-29: While the erroneous use of 'fruits' is still outnumbered by the proper use...
A 2009-11-04: search engine
A 2008-05-22: Most major search engines are not case-sensitive today. http://searchengi...
Q 2007-07-26: Paul: Please update > Sorry, no entries found > 2. ANOTHER SEARCH ENGINE >...
A 2007-05-06: A better search engine would not have to use a table
A 2006-08-30: LINX a) dict.cc b) ANOTHER SEARCH ENGINE (opens a new window)
A 2004-05-17: 80 % of the Internet presence are found via entries in search engines.

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