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Dictionary English German: Senate

Translation 1 - 26 of 26


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NOUN   a senate | senates
SYNO   Senate | U.S. Senate | US Senate ... 
NOUN   der Senat | die Senate
Senat {m}
senatesSenate {pl}
2 Words
law Civil SenateZivilsenat {m}
law Great SenateGroßer Senat {m}
educ. school senateSchulsenat {m}
senate administrationSenatsverwaltung {f}
archi. pol. senate buildingSenatsgebäude {n}
pol. Senate Chancellery [Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg]Senatskanzlei {f} [Staatskanzlei in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg]
pol. Senate Committee [esp. Am.] [officially] [also: Senate committee]Senatskomitee {n}
pol. Senate committee [USA] [also: Senate Committee]Senatsausschuss {m}
pol. senate departmentSenatsverwaltung {f}
pol. senate majoritySenatsmehrheit {f}
pol. Senate race [Am.]Senatswahlkampf {m}
law pol. senate resolutionSenatsbeschluss {m}
3 Words
law pol. Senate Judiciary Committee [Am.]Justizausschuss {m} des Senats [USA]
law pol. Senate Judiciary Committee [Am.]Rechtsausschuss {m} des Senats [USA]
pol. Senate Majority LeaderSenatsmehrheitsführer {m} [US-Senate]
admin. pol. Senate of BerlinSenat {m} von Berlin
4 Words
pol. session of the senateSenatssitzung {f}
5+ Words
involved in the Senate race {adj} [postpos.]in den Senatswahlkampf involviert
The Senate is in recess this week.Der Senat hat eine sitzungsfreie Woche.
law Common Senate (of the Federal Supreme Courts of Justice) [Germany]Gemeinsamer Senat {m} (der Obersten Gerichtshöfe des Bundes) <GmS-OGB>
chem. law Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area [in Germany]Ständige Senatskommission {f} zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe
law senate for building land mattersSenat {m} für Baulandsachen
pol. Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations [US]ständiger Unterausschuss {m} des Senats für Untersuchungen
hist. The Senate and Roman People <SPQR> [Senatus Populusque Romanus]Senat {m} und Volk von Rom <S. P. Q. R., SPQR, S.P.Q.R.>
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A 2015-04-22: +Senate of the Interior+ - wie von Ivy vorgeschlagen - ist durchaus in off...
A 2010-08-25: Senate
A 2010-02-04: senatui placuit - the senate has decided - der Senat kam zu dem Beschluß/f...
Q 2009-04-16: The Senate-Clerk reopens the Debate on Thread 420930
A 2009-04-13: try googling this: "bill that has been * in the senate"
A 2009-04-13: bottled up in the Senate
A 2008-11-20: Könnte auch +negotiations in the Senate+ sein
A 2008-08-02: The selected setting is significant in this, even if the Berlin Senate did...
A 2008-05-23: (I) Goldsmith and timberland \ (II) Audio clip from US Senate hearing with...
A 2008-04-04: Danke, also dann - trial Senate
Q 2008-02-13: state senate
A 2007-06-14: Texas Legislature, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate
Q 2006-05-19: Stop Press: Senate Votes English as 'National Language' - Is this 2006 or 2106?
Q 2005-12-06: Senate confirmation hearings & to hold debt
A 2005-08-03: notification of determination of salary according to the senate law
A 2004-01-15: enter "senate bill 60" in google

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