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Dictionary English German: Seven

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SYNO   seven | seven-spot | 7 | seven | vii ... 
2 Words: Others
half seven {adv} [Br.]halb acht
seven different {adj} [attr.]siebenerlei [indekl.]
seven hundredsiebenhundert
seven thousandsiebentausend
seven times {adv}siebenmal
archi. seven-arch {adj} [attr.] [bridge, viaduct]siebenbogig
seven-armed {adj} [attr.]siebenarmig
chem. seven-atom {adj} [attr.] <7-atom>siebenatomig <7-atomig>
seven-branched {adj} [e.g. candelabrum]siebenarmig [z. B. Leuchter]
tech. seven-cylinder {adj} [attr.]siebenzylindrig
seven-day {adj} [attr.]siebentägig <7-tägig>
seven-digit {adj} [attr.] <7-digit>siebenstellig <7-stellig>
seven-figure {adj} [attr.]siebenstellig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-floor {adj} [attr.]siebengeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-floor {adj} [attr.]siebenstöckig
myth. seven-headed {adj} [snake, dragon, etc.]siebenköpfig [Schlange, Drache etc.]
seven-hour {adj} [attr.]siebenstündig <7-stündig>
seven-letter {adj} [attr.] [e.g. word]mit sieben Buchstaben [nachgestellt]
seven-member {adj} [attr.] [committee, family, team, etc.]siebenköpfig [Gremium, Familie, Team etc.]
seven-minute {adj} [attr.]siebenminütig
seven-page {adj} [attr.] [letter, essay, etc.]siebenseitig [Brief, Aufsatz etc.]
math. seven-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number]siebenstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl]
seven-seater {adj} [attr.]siebensitzig
seven-semester {adj} [attr.]siebensemestrig
math. seven-sided {adj}siebenseitig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-storey {adj} [attr.] [Br.]siebengeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-storey {adj} [attr.] [Br.]siebenstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-storied {adj} [Am.]siebengeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]siebengeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]siebenstöckig
seven-strong {adj} [e.g. team]siebenköpfig [z. B. Team]
seven-time {adj} [attr.]siebenmalig [attr.]
seven-times {adj}siebenmalig
libr. publ. seven-volume {adj} [attr.]siebenbändig
seven-week {adj} [attr.] <7-week>siebenwöchig <7-wöchig>
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Seven Hills {pl}Siebengebirge {n}
sports seven iron [golf]Eisen 7 {n}
geogr. Seven Mountains {pl}Siebengebirge {n}
astron. Seven Sisters {pl}Sieben Schwestern {pl}
astron. Seven Sisters {pl} [Pleiades] [star cluster]Siebengestirn {n}
climbing Seven SummitsSeven Summits {pl} [die jeweils höchsten Berge der sieben Kontinente]
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A 2020-01-23: Seven horses
A 2020-01-23: Normally seven people,
Q 2020-01-23: to do the work of seven
A 2018-03-19: freistehender Apostelleuchter > seven-branched candlestick
Q 2015-11-05: the seven of us - and similar phrasings
A 2015-10-30: seven come eleven
A 2015-10-30: seven come eleven
A 2015-10-30: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Seven+Eleven
Q 2015-10-30: seven eleven
A 2015-10-12: Seven-to-ten -
A 2015-07-04: ... of +Quinte,+ the seven ... (missing comma put in)
A 2015-07-04: +Quint+ a southern variant of +Quinte+ the +seven+ meanings of which here:...
A 2015-03-03: Isn't it odd? No updates on this website for seven days!!!
A 2015-02-27: seven or spam
A 2014-10-20: The table is/has been reserved/booked for 7 o'clock / 7.30pm / half past s...
A 2014-08-18: Seven League Boots
A 2013-11-26: He could almost be described as being obsessed by the symbolism of the 'ma...
A 2013-06-28: Seven Dials
Q 2013-06-14: Half Seven
A 2012-04-02: ask seven people and you will get eight answers (at least) ..... ;)))

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