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Dictionary English German: Sheep

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NOUN1   a sheep | sheep
NOUN2   sheep [leather] | -
zool. sheep {adj} [attr.]
sheep's {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cheese, milk]Schafs- [z. B. Käse, Milch]
zool. T
Schaf {n}
zool. T
sheep {pl}
Schafe {pl}
sheep2 [leather]Schafleder {n}
2 Words: Others
agr. sheep-cropped {adj} {past-p}von Schafen abgeweidet
2 Words: Verbs
to clip sheepSchafe scheren
to count sheep [idiom]Schäfchen zählen [Redewendung]
to count sheep [idiom]Schafe zählen [Redewendung] [„Einschlafhilfe“]
agr. to graze sheepSchafe weiden lassen
to shear sheepSchafe scheren
agr. to tend sheepSchafe hüten
2 Words: Nouns
agr. tools (sheep) shears {pl} [one pair]Schurschere {f} [für Schafe]
zool. barebreech sheep[Schaf mit nacktem Hinterteil]
black sheepSündenbock {m}
black sheep [also fig.]schwarzes Schaf {n} [auch fig.]
agr. branded sheepmarkierte Schafe {pl}
cloned sheepKlonschaf {n}
cloned sheepgeklontes Schaf {n}
fat sheepfettes Schaf {n}
agr. hair sheepHaarschaf {n}
agr. zool. Infantado sheepInfantadoschafe {pl} [auch: Infantado-Schafe]
little sheepSchäfchen {n}
little sheepSchäflein {n}
little sheep {pl}Schäfchen {pl}
little sheep {pl}Schäflein {pl}
lost sheep [also fig.]verlorenes Schaf {n} [auch fig.]
agr. milk sheepMilchschaf {n}
agr. pasture sheep {pl}Weideschafe {pl}
agr. jobs zool. sheep breederSchafzüchter {m}
agr. sheep breedingSchafzucht {f}
gastr. sheep cheeseSchafskäse {m}
agr. sheep dip [bath]Schafbad {n}
zool. sheep dogsSchäferhunde {pl}
sheep droppingsSchafskötel {pl} [regional] [häufig: Schafsköttel; nordd.: Schafsköddel] [Kotklümpchen von Schafen]
agr. sheep dungSchafdung {m}
sheep dungSchafmist {m}
biol. sheep embryoSchafembryo {m}
agr. zool. sheep faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Schafkot {m}
agr. zool. sheep faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Schafskot {m}
agr. sheep farmSchäferei {f} [Betrieb]
agr. sheep farmSchaffarm {f}
agr. sheep farmSchafhof {m}
agr. jobs sheep farmerSchafzüchter {m}
agr. sheep farmingSchäferei {f} [Halten von Schafen]
agr. sheep farmingSchafhaltung {f}
agr. sheep farmingSchafzucht {f}
agr. zool. sheep flockSchafherde {f}
sheep foldSchafhürde {f}
agr. sheep grazingSchafhaltung {f}
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A 2024-01-21: ... or, as a green alternative, a flock of sheep are used as lawn mowers :-)
Q 2023-11-03: hair sheep und hairy sheep
A 2023-10-20: Hmmm,Ok. 'Shaun the Sheep'was new to me,cute characters!
A 2023-10-20: @MichaelK: it's not a myth. I recently watched a couple of episodes of "Sh...
A 2023-03-08: Sheep rescue once more an issue?
A 2019-05-23: Who would that be? The baby sheep in Shaun The Sheep? ;-)
A 2019-01-29: Sheep rubbing their coats against — of all things — sculptures
A 2019-01-29: > sheep rubbing their coats
Q 2017-01-18: A wolf does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep
Q 2016-05-27: If a shepherd looks after sheep and a goatherd looks after goats, who look...
A 2015-12-09: If you count black sheep you fall asleep at once — market or no market
Q 2015-12-09: „Black sheep in the market“ (schwarze Schafe)
A 2015-07-12: Sheep-singer
A 2015-06-19: No problem for sheep with protective shelter and good fodder provided by h...
A 2015-04-05: Sheep market
A 2015-04-05: +Schafmarkt+ ist gebräuchlicher - üblicherweise wird ja nicht nur mit eine...
Q 2015-04-05: sheep market
Q 2015-02-13: need to open your minds/Quit being sheep/tunnel vision
Q 2011-06-21: That's an incredible display of sheep flocking to pasture.
A 2011-01-16: "All we like sheep have gone astray" (Is 53:6)

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