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Dictionary English German: Shooting

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NOUN1   shooting | -
NOUN2   a shooting | shootings
VERB  to shoot | shot | shot ... 
SYNO   shooting | shot
NOUN   das Shooting | die Shootings
shooting {adj}
shooting {adj} {pres-p}
film shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. date, location, permit, script]
Dreh- [z. B. Termin, Ort, Erlaubnis, Fassung]
shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. accident, gallery, hand, range, sport, training]Schieß- [z. B. Unfall, Bude, Hand, Platz, Sport, Training]
shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. angle, distance, foot, position]Schuss- [z. B. Winkel, Entfernung, Bein, Position]
sports shooting
Schießen {n}
film shooting {sg}
Dreharbeiten {pl}
shooting [of a person, people, intentional]
Erschießung {f}
Schießerei {f}
film shooting
Filmaufnahmen {pl}
photo. shooting
Fotoaufnahmen {pl}
Geschieße {n} [ugs.]
hunting shooting
Jagd {f}
film shooting
Drehen {n}
photo. shooting [image capture]Shooting {n} [kurz für: Fotoshooting]
2 Words: Others
shooting downzusammenschießend [ugs.]
shooting upemporquellend
shooting upemporschnellend
shooting up {adj}in die Höhe wachsend
straight-shooting {adj} [esp Am.] [coll.] [forthright]offen und ehrlich [Person]
2 Words: Verbs
hunting to go shootingauf die Jagd gehen
hunting to go shooting [Br.]zu Fuß auf die Jagd gehen
2 Words: Nouns
(fatal) shootingErschießen {n}
weapons (shooting) iron [coll.]Schießkolben {m} [ugs.]
weapons (shooting) iron [sl.]Schießprügel {m} [ugs.]
hunting bird shootingVogelschießen {n}
hunting boar-shootingWildschweinjagd {f}
sports weapons competitive shootingPreisschießen {n}
sports weapons competitive shootingWettkampfschießen {n}
constant shooting(ständiges) Geballere {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
photo. continuous shootingSerienaufnahmen {pl}
drive-by [coll.] [drive-by shooting]Drive-by-Shooting {n}
hunting duck shootingEntenjagd {f}
cloth. market. fashion shooting {sg}Modeaufnahmen {pl}
film film shootingDreh {m}
film film shootingFilmdreh {m}
film film shootingShooting {n}
gang shootingBandenschießerei {f}
hunting grouse shootingMoorhuhnjagd {f} [auch Computerspiel]
hunting grouse shootingSumpfhuhnjagd {f}
hunting hare shootingHasenjagd {f}
film photo. indoor shooting {sg}Innenaufnahmen {pl}
live shootingScharfschießen {n}
film photo. location shootingAußenaufnahme {f}
mass shootingMassenschießerei {f}
mass shootingSchießerei {f} mit mehreren / vielen Toten [Der engl. Begriff geht oft, je nach Ansatz, von mind. 3, 4 oder 5 Getöteten aus.]
film night shooting [filming]Nachtdreh {m}
weapons offhand shootingfreihändiges Schießen {n}
hunting pheasant shootingFasanenjagd {f}
photo. photo shootingFotoshooting {n}
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Q 2018-08-03: The German "shooting star."
Q 2018-05-15: shooting deaths
A 2017-02-24: shooting the breeze
A 2017-02-24: Shooting the breeze = chatting about almost anything
Q 2015-11-09: barrels shooting
A 2015-06-06: shots / shooting ....
A 2015-04-04: http://www.dict.cc/?s=shooting+death
Q 2015-04-03: shooting death
A 2015-02-25: Police shooting terrorists dead may please those members of the public who...
A 2014-11-30: +people shooting+ funktioniert nicht wirklich im Englischen - vgl. Google-...
A 2014-11-13: It's not the airfill. There's a hammer to pull before shooting.
A 2014-11-11: oder als Überschrift: Trouble-shooting - the Basics
A 2014-11-11: The basics of trouble-shooting, first steps when trouble-shooting
A 2013-10-09: Shooting yourself in the foot.
Q 2012-12-20: School shooting
A 2012-12-17: next step: arming pupils + lessons in shooting
Q 2012-12-16: Seen this? BBC News: US shooting: 'I thought we were all going to die'
A 2012-07-31: shooting script
A 2011-08-07: The lumbago is an acut pain shooting into the lower back like lightning.
A 2010-08-11: although the alliteration of sending a shooting star sounds nicer!

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