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English-German translation for: Shop Michael
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Dictionary English German: Shop Michael

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Whatever became of Michael?Was wurde eigentlich aus Michael?
hist. Michael the Brave [Mihai Viteazul]Michael {m} der Tapfere
"Hi, this is Michael." [caller on telephone]„Hallo, Michael hier."
"Hi, this is Michael." [caller on telephone]"Hallo, hier ist Michael."
lit. F My Michael [Amos Oz]Mein Michael
"Hi, this is Michael Schmidt." [caller on telephone]"Hallo, mein Name ist Michael Schmidt."
chem. Michael reactionMichael-Addition {f}
film F Michael [Nora Ephron]Michael
I like Peter, but I like Michael even more.Ich mag Peter, doch Michael ist mir noch lieber.
Michael (I) Cerularius [Patriarch of Constantinople]Michael (I.) Kerularius {m}
lit. F Michael Kohlhaas [novella]Michael Kohlhaas [Novelle] [Heinrich von Kleist]
film F Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers [Dwight H. Little]Halloween IVMichael Myers kehrt zurück
film F Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers [Dominique Othenin-Girard]Halloween V – Die Rache des Michael Myers
film F Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers [Joe Chappelle]Halloween VIDer Fluch des Michael Myers
UWH St Mary's Cathedral and St Michael's Church at HildesheimDom {m} und St. Michael zu Hildesheim
comm. Internet web shopE-Shop {m} [kurz für: Electronic Shop]
name MichaelMichael {m}
chem. Michael additionMichael-Addition {f}
drugs head shop [sl.]Kiffer-Shop {m} [ugs.]
comm. one-dollar shopEin-Dollar-Shop {m} <1-Dollar-Shop>
archi. relig. St. Michael's ChurchMichaeliskirche {f}
relig. cult of (St.) MichaelMichaelsverehrung {f}
relig. legend of St. / Saint MichaelMichaelslegende {f}
comm. Internet e-shopInternet-Shop {m}
comm. Internet internet shopE-Shop {m}
comm. Internet internet shopOnline-Shop {m}
comm. Internet online shopInternet-Shop {m}
comm. Internet web shopInternet-Shop {m}
closed shopClosed Shop {m} [Unternehmen, das vereinbarungsgemäß nur Gewerkschaftsmitglieder einstellt.]
comm. Internet online shopE-Shop {m} [kurz für: electronic shop, elektronischer Shop]
relig. Feast of St. Michael [29th September]Sankt-Michaelis-Tag {m}
film F Man on HorsebackMichael Kohlhaas - der Rebell [Volker Schlöndorff]
zool. T
Order of Saint / St. Michael [Ordre de Saint-Michel]Michaelsorden {m}
archi. St. Michael's Church [Munich]St.-Michaels-Kirche {f} [München]
relig. Feast of St. Michael [29th September]Michaelsfest {n} [29. September]
econ. Porter's five forces analysisFünf-Kräfte-Modell {n} nach Michael Porter
film F Beauty Shop [Bille Woodruff]Beauty Shop
comm. copy shopCopy-Shop {m} [Rsv.]
comm. post office shopPost-Shop {m}
comm. shopShop {m}
to shopeinkaufen
comm. shopLaden {m}
comm. shopLadengeschäft {n}
comm. RealEst. shopLadenlokal {n}
comm. gastr. coffee shopCoffee-Shop {m}
comm. Internet e-shopE-Shop {m}
comm. Internet internet shopInternet-Shop {m}
comm. Internet online shopOnline-Shop {m}
to shopEinkäufe machen
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