| English | German |  |
 | geogr. Shubra El-Kheima | Schubra al-Chaima {n} |  |
Partial Matches |
 | electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire, El wire> | Elektrolumineszenzdraht {m} <EL-Draht, El-Draht> |  |
 | geogr. El'ad | Elad {n} |  |
 | chem. electroluminescence <EL> | Elektrolumineszenz {f} <EL> |  |
 | geogr. El Arish | Al-Arisch {n} |  |
 | geogr. El Arish | El-Arish {n} |  |
 | El Dorado | Eldorado {n} |  |
 | El Dorado | Goldland {n} |  |
 | El Dorados | Eldorados {pl} |  |
 | meteo. El Niño | El Niño {m} |  |
 | geogr. El Paso | El Paso {n} |  |
 | med. erythroleukaemia <EL> [Br.] | Erythroleukämie {f} <EL> |  |
 | med. erythroleukemia <EL> [Am.] | Erythroleukämie {f} <EL> |  |
 | el cheapo {adj} [sl.] | Billig- |  |
 | geogr. El Salvador <.sv> | El Salvador {n} |  |
 | med. encephalitis lethargica <EL> | europäische Schlafkrankheit {f} [Enzephalitis lethargica] |  |
 | meteo. equilibrium level <EL> | Niveau {n} des neutralen Auftriebs |  |
 | med. QM evidence level <EL> | Evidenzgrad {m} |  |
 | geogr. Bab-el-Mandeb | Bab al-Mandab {m} |  |
 | pol. Mariy El Republic | Republik {f} Marij El |  |
 | geogr. Sharm el-Sheikh | Scharm El-Scheich {n} |  |
 | geogr. El Alamein [northern Egypt] | El-Alamein {n} |  |
 | bibl. El Shaddai [God Almighty] | El Shaddai {m} [Gott, der Allmächtige] |  |
 | med. eosinophilic leukaemia <EL> [Br.] | eosinophile Leukämie {f} <EL> |  |
 | med. eosinophilic leukemia <EL> [Am.] | eosinophile Leukämie {f} <EL> |  |
 | of El Salvador {adj} [postpos.] | salvadorianisch |  |
 | film F El Condor [John Guillermin] | El Condor |  |
 | film F El Dorado [Howard Hawks] | El Dorado |  |
 | film F El Topo [Alejandro Jodorowsky] | El Topo |  |
 | relig. El [ancient Near Eastern deity] | El {m} [altorientalische Gottheit] |  |
 | geogr. El Dorado State [nickname] [California] | der Goldene Staat {m} [Spitzname] [Kalifornien] |  |
 | gastr. ras el hanout [ رأس الحانوت, ] | Ras el-Hanout {f} |  |
 | ecol. meteo. El Niño (Southern Oscillation) <ENSO> | El-Niño-Südliche-Oszillation {f} <ENSO> [auch: El Niño] |  |
 | hist. mil. Battle of Tell el Kebir | Schlacht {f} von Tel-el-Kebir |  |
 | hist. mil. Second Battle of El Alamein | zweite Schlacht {f} von El Alamein |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | geogr. pol. El Aaiún [capital of Western Sahara] | El Aaiún {n} |  |
 | acad. ling. empirical linguistics {pl} <EL> [treated as sg.] | empirische Sprachwissenschaft {f} |  |
 | geogr. Republic of Mari El [Russian Federation] | Republik {f} Mari El [Russische Föderation] |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | rail El [Chicago's elevated train] [Am.] [coll.] | [Chicagoer Stadtbahn {f}] |  |
 | aviat. Sharm El Sheikh International Airport <SSH, HESH> | Flughafen {m} Scharm asch-Schaich <SSH, HESH> |  |
 | bibl. El-Elohe-Israel [El, God of Israel (Genesis 33:20)] | El {m}, Gott Israels [Zürcher-Bibel] |  |
 | bibl. El-Elohe-Israel [El, God of Israel (Genesis 33:20)] | Gott ist der Gott Israels [Name Gottes] [Luther-Bibel 1984] |  |
 | curr. El Salvador colón <SVC> [replaced by the US dollar in 2001] | El-Salvador-Colón {m} <SVC> |  |
 | ecol. meteo. El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon <ENSO phenomenon> [also: El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon] | ENSO-Phänomen {n} |  |
 | electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire> | Leuchtkabel {n} [EL-Kabel] |  |
 | electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire> | Leuchtschlauch {m} [EL-Kabel] |  |
 | electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire> | Leuchtschnur {f} [EL-Kabel] |  |
 | rail Chicago Elevated <Chicago El, Chicago L, El, L> | Chicago-Hochbahn {f} [Hoch- und U-Bahn von Chicago, USA] |  |
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