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English-German translation for: Siegesserie zu Hause
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Dictionary English German: Siegesserie zu Hause

Translation 1 - 50 of 8045  >>

NOUN   die Siegesserie zu Hause | die Siegesserien zu Hause
sports home winning streakSiegesserie {f} zu Hause
Partial Matches
at home {adv}zu Hause
home {adv} [at home]zu Hause
homelike {adj}wie zu Hause
like a home from homewie zu Hause
back home {adv}wieder zu Hause
Welcome home!Willkommen zu Hause!
back home {adv}zu Hause (damals)
born at home {adj} [postpos.]zu Hause geboren
home-schooled {adj} {past-p}zu Hause unterrichtet
educ. home-taught {adj} {past-p}zu Hause unterrichtet
homeschooled {adj} {past-p}zu Hause unterrichtet
educ. taught at homezu Hause unterrichtet
to arrive homezu Hause ankommen
to get back homezu Hause ankommen
to stay (at) homezu Hause bleiben
to stay inzu Hause bleiben
to eat inzu Hause essen
to sit at homezu Hause sitzen
sports to play at homezu Hause spielen
to take place at homezu Hause stattfinden
workplace at homeArbeitsplatz {m} zu Hause
med. psych. home treatmentBehandlung {f} zu Hause
domestic problemsProbleme {pl} zu Hause
telecom. home telephoneTelefon {n} zu Hause
stacation [coll.]Urlaub {m} zu Hause
stay-cation [coll.]Urlaub {m} zu Hause
neol. staycation [coll.]Urlaub {m} zu Hause
dent. home care [tooth care at home]Zahnpflege {f} zu Hause
readers at homeZu-Hause-Leser {pl}
at sb.'s home {adv}bei jdm. zu Hause
at sb.'s house {adv}bei jdm. zu Hause
at sb.'s yard {adv} [sl.] [rare] [sb.'s home]bei jdm. zu Hause
expelled from home {adj} {past-p}zu Hause rausgeschmissen [ugs.]
to sb.'s yard {adv} [sl.] [sb.'s home] [regional]zu jdm. nach Hause
to leave sb. homejdn. zu Hause lassen
educ. to home-school sb.jdn. zu Hause unterrichten
educ. to homeschool sb.jdn. zu Hause unterrichten
med. home blood pressure measurement <HBPM> [self-monitoring]Selbstmessung {f} zu Hause [Blutdruckmessung]
med. home blood pressure monitoring <HBPM> [self-monitoring]Selbstmessung {f} zu Hause [Blutdruckmessung]
at my placebei mir zu Hause
in my (very) own home {adv}bei mir zu Hause
at (one's) yard {adv} [sl.] [rare] [one's home]bei sich zu Hause
in one's homebei sich zu Hause
down home {adv} [Am.]bei uns zu Hause
proverb Charity begins at home.Nächstenliebe beginnt zu Hause.
Give my regards to the folks.Schönen Gruß zu Hause.
We're home.Wir sind zu Hause.
proverb Charity begins at home.Wohltätigkeit beginnt zu Hause.
to be home aloneallein zu Hause sein
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