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English-German translation for: Signing
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Dictionary English German: Signing

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NOUN   a signing | signings
VERB  to sign | signed | signed ... 
SYNO   sign language | signing
signing {adj} {pres-p}
signing {adj} {pres-p}
Unterzeichnung {f}
sports signing
Verpflichtung {f}
ling. signing [using sign language]
Gebärden {n}
signingUnterfertigung {f} [amtsspr.] [Unterzeichnung]
2 Words: Others
signing overüberschreibend
2 Words: Nouns
autograph signingAutogrammschreiben {n}
ceremonial signingfeierliche Unterzeichnung {f}
co-signingBürgschaft {f} [Mitunterzeichnung]
co-signingMitunterzeichnung {f}
law contract signingKontraktunterzeichnung {f}
sports new signingNeuverpflichtung {f}
sports new signingNeuzugang {m}
sports new signingNeuzuzug {m} [Neuverpflichtung]
optional signingwahlweises Vorzeichen {n}
econ. signing authorityZeichnungsberechtigung {f}
econ. signing bonusAntrittsgeld {n}
signing ceremonyUnterzeichnungszeremonie {f}
signing ceremonyfeierliche Unterzeichnung {f}
signing onAnmusterung {f} [z. B. eines Seemanns]
law signing overÜberschreibung {f}
signing powerZeichnungsvollmacht {f}
signing sessionAutogrammstunde {f}
3 Words: Nouns
law act of signingUnterzeichnungsakt {m}
book-signing tourLesereise {f}
comp. certificate signing request <CRS>Zertifikatsregistrierungsanforderung {f}
comp. certificate signing request <CSR>Certificate Signing Request {m} <CSR> [selten {n} oder {f}]
law legally binding signingrechtsverbindliche Zeichnung {f}
policy signing officePolicenbüro {n}
relig. signing with ashes [Ash Wednesday]Aschenkreuz {n} [Aschermittwoch]
sports signing-on feeHandgeld {n}
4 Words: Nouns
law signing of a contractKontraktunterzeichnung {f}
signing of a contractVertragsabschluss {m}
signing of a contractVertragsunterschrift {f}
law signing of a contractVertragsunterzeichnung {f} [Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags]
signing of the agreementUnterzeichnung {f} des Abkommens
signing of the agreementUnterzeichnung {f} des Vertrags
law signing of the contractVertragsunterzeichnung {f} [Unterzeichnung des Vertrags]
5+ Words: Others
by signing the payment voucher {adv}durch Unterzeichnung eines Leistungsbelegs
5+ Words: Verbs
to abstain from signing a documentsich weigern, ein Dokument zu unterschreiben
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Q 2017-12-02: signing/stamping
A 2013-07-16: +Prokurist+ in Firmen oft +manager with full signing powers+ - was die Ang...
A 2013-07-15: made by an autopen / signing machine (as opposed to handwriting)
A 2012-03-04: I'm signing off now, but I will look again in the morning, to see if anyon...
A 2011-01-12: if signing the contract by
A 2010-12-30: signing the START treaty earned him his laurels.
A 2010-12-13: Ja, das isses, thanks! And thks, ufriend, for saving my butt. Signing off.
A 2010-07-07: No, 'visieren' is closer to 'signing off on something' after having taken ...
A 2010-04-21: It means that somebody is signing the document/email on behalf of someone else.
A 2009-09-07: signing checks
A 2009-08-26: Conclusion/signing
A 2009-07-25: When signing the ...... the savings .... were also not taken into account
A 2009-07-09: upon signing of ...
A 2009-06-19: ? after signing
Q 2009-03-09: between signing and closing
A 2009-03-02: -erei (if not signing a place where something is manufactured)
A 2009-02-12: Abschluss, hier: signing of a delivery contract
A 2008-10-13: Thanks Rob, and good night. Signing off now.
A 2008-08-29: Signing off. Back to your suggestion:
A 2008-08-05: Imagining, and laughing my azz off! :-)) Also signing off, ciao a tutti.

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signing ceremony
signing of a contract
signing of the agreement
signing of the contract
signing on
signing-on fee
signing over

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