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English-German translation for: Sixth
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Dictionary English German: Sixth

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ADJ   sixth | - | -
NOUN   a sixth | sixths
SYNO   one-sixth | sixth | 6th
sixth {adj} <6th>
sixth {adv} [sixthly]sechstens
mus. sixth [interval]
Sexte {f}
sixth [fraction]
Sechstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
sixth [male person]
Sechster {m}
sixth [female person]Sechste {f}
mus. sixth [interval]Sext {f} [Intervall] [seltener neben: Sexte]
2 Words: Others
sixth highest {adj}sechsthöchste
sixth largest {adj}sechstgrößte
twenty-sixth {adj} <26th>sechsundzwanzigste
2 Words: Nouns
a sixthein Sechstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
mus. augmented sixthübermäßige Sexte {f}
mus. compound sixth [thirteenth]Tredezime {f}
mus. diminished sixthverminderte Sexte {f}
mus. flat sixthkleine Sexte {f}
mus. German sixthübermäßiger Quintsextakkord {m}
mus. Landini sixthLandinosexte {f}
mus. major sixthgroße Sexte {f}
mus. minor sixthkleine Sexte {f}
mus. Neapolitan sixthNeapolitanischer Sextakkord {m}
one sixthein Sechstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
sixth centenarySechshundertjahrfeier {f}
sixth century6. Jahrhundert {n}
mus. sixth chordSextakkord {m}
med. sixth disease [coll.] [Exanthema subitum, Roseola infantum]sechste Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [Dreitagefieber]
sports sixth division [football]Landesliga {f}
educ. sixth form [Br.]Oberstufe {f}
educ. sixth formers [Br.]Oberstufenschüler {pl}
sixth partSechstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
sixth sensesechster Sinn {m}
educ. sixth-former [Br.]Primaner {m} [heute selten]
educ. sixth-grader [Am.]Sechstklässler {m}
educ. sixth-grader [Am.] [middle school]Sextaner {m} [veraltet]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. added sixth chordSixte ajoutée {f} [hinzugefügte Sexte]
anat. VetMed. sixth cervical vertebra <6th cervical vertebra, C6 vertebra, C6> [Vertebra cervicalis VI]sechster Halswirbel {m} <6. Halswirbel, C6, C 6>
educ. sixth form college [Br.][britisches College, das Schüler auf den britischen A oder AS Level-Abschluss vorbereitet]
anat. VetMed. sixth thoracic vertebra <6th thoracic vertebra, T6 vertebra, T6> [Vertebra thoracica VI]sechster Brustwirbel {m} <6. Brustwirbel, Th6, Th 6>
4 Words: Others
in the sixth place {adv} [sixthly]sechstens
4 Words: Nouns
relig. sixth Sunday after EasterExaudi {n}
mus. sixth-to-octave cadenceSext-Oktavkadenz {f}
mus. sixth-to-octave cadenceSext-Oktavklausel {f} [Sext-Oktavkadenz]
5+ Words: Others
after the sixth month of life {adv}nach dem sechsten Lebensmonat
5+ Words: Nouns
(arc of) one-sixth of a circleSechstelkreis {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Sixth Sense [M. Night Shyamalan]The Sixth Sense
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A 2017-07-11: English system: https://www.cheltladiescollege.org/assets/.../CLC-Sixth-Fo...
A 2011-05-04: His sixth career bust added to their worries, which they readily shared wi...
A 2010-02-13: As every sixth-former knows, +ordinance+ is not used in this context in th...
A 2008-09-16: sixth-form experiments ??
A 2008-06-22: Fifth and sixth forms (in Britain) -
Q 2008-06-22: i reached the fifth and sixth forms did thins become....
A 2008-01-05: nicht *in* und *sixth* gehören zusammen sondern *limped* und *in*
A 2008-01-05: limped in sixth > gerade noch sechster wurde
Q 2008-01-05: in sixth
Q 2007-12-08: sixth form certificate award
A 2007-10-17: Sixth-formers - 16 bis 18 Jahrige
A 2006-10-29: comprehensive school with an intigrated gymnasiale Oberstufe (Sixth Form) ...
A 2006-09-21: structuring ? of the sixth form
A 2006-09-04: sixth, seventh and octave rise
A 2006-06-07: for the sixth consecutive time
A 2006-06-07: for the sixth time in a row?
A 2006-02-15: ~ einen sechsten Sinn haben > to have a sixth sense
A 2004-04-23: I third fourth fifth sixth seventh ad infinitum the motion - Look at his p...
A 2004-02-07: sixth form
A 2004-02-01: sixth form

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