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English-German translation for: Skin-care
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Dictionary English German: Skin care

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NOUN   skin care | -
SYNO   skin care | skincare
SEE ALSO  skincare
cosmet. skin careHautpflege {f}
cosmet. skin care creamHautpflegecreme {f}
cosmet. skin care oilHautpflegeöl {n}
skin care productHautpflegemittel {n}
cosmet. skin care productHautpflegeprodukt {n}
cosmet. care of the skinHautpflege {f}
Partial Matches
skin [Br.] [coll.] [skinhead]Skin {m} [ugs.]
electr. skin depthSkin-Tiefe {f}
electr. skin effectSkin-Effekt {m}
jobs care-giving work [occupation]Care-Arbeit {f}
market. customer care concept <CCC>Customer-Care-Konzept {n} [auch: Customer Care Concept]
gastr. care cateringCare-Catering {n} [insb. Krankenhäuser, Heime, Mensen]
med. managed care techniquesManaged-Care-Techniken {pl}
med. intermediate care (unit) <IMC> [Am.]Intermediate-Care-Station {f} <IMC-Station, IMC> [Behandlungsstation zwischen Intensivstation und Normalstation]
med. C-reactive protein point-of-care testing <CRP POCT>CRP-Point-of-Care-Testung {f} <CRP POCT>
comp. skinSkin {n}
to skinabhäuten
electr. to skinabisolieren
to skinenthäuten
to skinhäuten
skinHaut {f}
med. QM care value chain management <CVC management>Management {n} der Care Value Chain
journ. skin [sl.]Nacktmagazin {n}
skin-compatible {adj}hautverträglich
skin-deep {adj} {adv}oberflächlich
skin-friendly {adj}hautfreundlich
skin-friendly {adj}hautverträglich
skin-irritant {adj}hautreizend
skin-irritating {adj}hautreizend
skin-related {adj}dermatologisch
med. skin-related {adj}kutan
skin-tight {adj}hauteng
skin-tight {adj}knalleng
med. to skin overzuheilen
sports to skin-divesporttauchen
med. (skin) eruptionHautausschlag {m}
anat. abdominal skinBauchhaut {f}
zool. amphibian skinAmphibienhaut {f}
animal skinTierhaut {f}
med. artificial skinKunsthaut {f}
baby skinBabyhaut {f}
banana skinBananenschale {f}
bear skinBärenfell {n}
bird skinVogelbalg {m}
med. bluish skinZyanose {f}
buffalo skinBüffelhaut {f}
mycol. cap skinHuthaut {f}
gastr. carrot skinKarottenschale {f}
cat skinKatzenfell {n}
gastr. orn. chicken skinHühnerhaut {f}
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A 2017-08-16: Looks like +mini face care / mini skin care+
Q 2015-01-23: Tri- Retinol Complex Es - The Vitamin For Skin Care
Q 2011-12-05: sonic skin care
Q 2010-05-18: Please help with: Meereskamille-Extrakt (ingredient in a skin care product)
A 2009-07-14: Der Lernenden wegen: unterstützende +Pflege+ bei +Neurodermitis+ > support...
A 2009-07-14: ? assisting skin care for neurodermATitis
A 2008-04-28: Subsequently apply final skin care
A 2008-04-28: yes, if it is a skin care product (or a hair care product), but only then
A 2007-05-20: The skin care experience
A 2006-08-06: balancing skin care, balancing care properties
A 2006-04-24: I don't think you would use "blank" in terms of skin care...
A 2005-12-17: long acting facial skin care
A 2005-07-09: rich skin care cream, rich care cream

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