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English-German translation for: Sky
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Dictionary English German: Sky

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NOUN   a sky | skies
VERB  to sky | skied/skyed | skied/skyed ... 
SYNO   to flip | to pitch | to sky ... 
sports to sky [jump high]
hochsteigen [hochspringen]
to sky sth. [hang near the top of the wall (above line of vision)] [dated] [coll.]etw. (deutlich) oberhalb der Augenhöhe aufhängen [Bild, Gemälde]
sports to sky sth. [hit high into the air]etw. in die Wolken schlagen [z. B. Golfball, Fußball]
Himmel {m}
2 Words: Others
blue-sky {adj} [attr.] [fig.] [unconstrained by practicalities]theorielastig [praxisfern]
blue-sky {adj} [attr.] [idea, expectations, etc.]überoptimistisch [Idee, Erwartungen usw.]
blue-sky {adj} [attr.] [idea, expectations, etc.]übertrieben optimistisch [Idee, Erwartungen usw.]
fin. blue-sky {adj} [attr.] [not financially sound] [esp. securities]unsolide [bes. Wertpapiere]
sky-blue {adj}himmelblau
sky-high {adj} {adv}himmelhoch
sky-high {adj}himmelhohe
sky-high {adj}in schwindelnder Höhe
sky-reaching {adj}himmelhoch
sky-reaching {adj}himmelhohe
2 Words: Verbs
to sky-rocketin die Höhe schießen
2 Words: Nouns
afternoon skyNachmittagshimmel {m}
aviat. air marshal [Am.]Sky Marshal {m} [zivil gekleideter Polizist auf Flügen]
angry skystürmischer Himmel {m}
astron. meteo. April skyAprilhimmel {m}
autumn skyHerbsthimmel {m}
black skydüsterer Himmel {m}
blue skyblauer Himmel {m}
meteo. naut. blue sky <a>klarer Himmel {m}
bright skyheiterer Himmel {m}
bright skyheller Himmel {m}
bright skyklarer Himmel {m}
clear skyheiterer Himmel {m}
clear skyklarer Himmel {m}
clouded skyWolkenhimmel {m}
meteo. cloudless skywolkenloser Himmel {m}
meteo. cloudy skyWolkenhimmel {m}
meteo. cloudy skymit Wolken überzogener Himmel {m}
dark skybewölkter Himmel {m}
day skyTaghimmel {m}
daytime skyTaghimmel {m}
astron. meteo. December skyDezemberhimmel {m}
astron. eastern skyOsthimmel {m}
evening skyAbendhimmel {m}
fall sky [Am.]Herbsthimmel {m}
meteo. foehn skyFöhnhimmel {m}
gloomy skydüsterer Himmel {m}
astron. meteo. January skyJanuarhimmel {m}
leaden skyBleihimmel {m}
lightening skysich aufhellender Himmel {m}
mackerel skySchäfchenwolkenhimmel {m}
astron. meteo. March skyMärzhimmel {m}
astron. Martian skyMarshimmel {m}
astron. meteo. May skyMaihimmel {m}
midday skyMittagshimmel {m}
night skyNachthimmel {m}
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A 2022-04-18: By the bye, +dome+ may also mean: 2.1 A natural vault or canopy, such as t...
A 2020-04-21: Possibly a grey (the colour of steel) sky, depending on context.
Q 2020-04-21: Steel sky?
A 2016-04-28: Heaven / sky
Q 2016-04-28: Sky=Himmel, Heaven=Himmel ?
A 2015-06-11: mass of drifting gray clouds covering eastern sky just before dawn
A 2015-03-19: https://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_deAT3...
A 2014-01-22: Duo Walker Sky Plus is the model name of one of the pushchairs from Easy W...
A 2013-03-25: +sky+ ist der Himmel mit Wolken, +heaven+ ist der Himmel mit Engeln. Was m...
A 2013-03-13: ok, nicht "their", dafür "the sky" ...
A 2012-12-03: Connection to Christmas? Pie in the sky, perhaps.
A 2012-10-30: http://news.sky.com/story/449623/what-is-britains-funniest-accent
A 2012-08-26: Sky - früher Premiere - ist Pay TV, also Bezahlfernsehen.
A 2011-12-31: Pie in the sky.
Q 2011-08-24: fallen out of the sky
Q 2011-03-15: morei sky
Q 2010-10-22: leaflets fell from the sky
Q 2010-10-18: No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
A 2010-02-09: Lucy in the sky with diamonds:
A 2010-02-02: for most people it would be BBC 2 .... for some sky 2 / itv 2 ...

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