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English-German translation for: Sole
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Dictionary English German: Sole

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ADJ   sole | - | -
NOUN1   a sole | soles
NOUN2   a sole [flatfish] | sole [esp. collectively]/soles [esp. specially referring to two or more kinds or species]
VERB  to sole | soled | soled ... 
SYNO   fillet of sole | sole | to resole ... 
NOUN1   das Sol | die Sole
NOUN2   die Sole | die Solen
SYNO   Salzlauge | Sole
sole {adj}
sole {adj}
alleinig [attr.]
to sole
to sole sth. [shoes]
etw. sohlen
to sole sth. [shoes]etw.Akk. flecken [regional] [Schuhe mit neuen Sohlen oder Absätzen versehen]
anat. cloth. tools sole
Sohle {f}
Sole {f}
anat. sole [foot] [Planta pedis]
Fußfläche {f} [Fußsohle]
2 Words: Nouns
cork soleKorksohle {f}
zool. creeping soleKriechsohle {f}
cloth. cup soleCupsohle {f}
hist. law feme solealleinstehende Frau {f}
gastr. filleted soleSeezungenfilet {n}
anat. foot soleFußsohle {f}
grip soleProfilsohle {f}
half soleHalbsohle {f}
hoof soleHufsohle {f}
inner soleBrandsohle {f}
inner soleInnensohle {f}
cloth. leather sole [footwear]Ledersohle {f}
med. mute sole [normal foot sole reflex]stumme Sohle {f} [Ausbleiben der Zehenbeugung]
cloth. platform solePlateausohle {f}
plough sole [Br.]Pflugsohle {f}
rubber soleGummisohle {f}
cloth. shoe soleSchuhsohle {f}
sole agencyAlleinvertretung {f}
econ. sole agencyGeneralvertretung {f}
sole agentAlleinvertreter {m}
VetMed. zool. sole angle [Angulus soleae medialis / lateralis]Sohlenwinkel {m} [Huf]
sole arbitratorEinzelschiedsrichter {m}
lit. sole authorAlleinautor {m}
sole billSolawechsel {m}
sole breadwinnerAlleinernährer {m}
sole claimAlleinanspruch {m}
sole complainteinzige Beschwerde {f}
comm. sole contractalleiniger Vertrag {m}
law sole custodyalleiniges Sorgerecht {n}
sole discretionalleiniges Ermessen {n}
sole distributionAlleinvertrieb {m}
sole distributors {pl}Alleinvertrieb {m}
sole earnerAlleinverdiener {m}
relig. sole efficacyAlleinwirksamkeit {f}
sole exceptioneinzige Ausnahme {f}
sole guiltAlleinschuld {f}
sole heirAlleinerbe {m}
sole heirUniversalerbe {m}
sole heiralleiniger Erbe {m}
law sole heir [female]Gesamterbin {f}
sole heiressAlleinerbin {f}
law sole heiressGesamterbin {f}
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A 2024-02-13: not necessarily a company, also a sole trader
A 2021-02-15: Paraphrasing MichaelK's interpretation with reference to my earlier sugges...
A 2018-08-03: "sole" or "exclusive" representation right
Q 2018-08-01: sole power of representation v. power of sole representation
A 2016-12-08: Is not the sole shareholder the sole owner of the share capital — which do...
A 2016-12-08: ? is the sole investor
A 2016-06-24: the sole proof
A 2015-11-05: Interessantes Wort. Grimm gibt es unter +Sole+
A 2014-10-06: his sole fighter mentality / his penchant for hand-to-hand fighting
A 2014-08-01: sole signatory power up to
Q 2014-06-24: "sole custody"
A 2014-02-26: "sole representative" might be misleading
A 2012-08-28: sole proprietor
A 2012-08-09: AVAB --> sole wage earner tax allowance; AEAB --> single parent tax allowa...
A 2012-04-20: Without context, I can't be certain, but the sole interest-holder could we...
Q 2012-04-20: shares in the sole interest-holder
A 2011-05-10: Updates will be provided / based on the sole discretion of XXX
A 2011-01-17: @lisa4dict - "a customer’s sole remedy" = es besteht seitens des Kunden ke...
A 2010-10-29: As borne out by your LINK, Laura, +practice+ is the sole AE spelling for n...
A 2010-05-15: If you qualify as a sole trader, you are an operating entity / sole trader...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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