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Dictionary English German: Solution

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NOUN   a solution | solutions
SYNO   root | solution | answer | resolution ... 
NOUN   die Solution | die Solutionen
solution [also: to sth., e.g. a problem]
Lösung {f} [auch: für etw., z. B. ein Problem]
Auflösung {f}
Aufklärung {f} [z. B. Kriminalfall]
Lösungskonzept {n}
chem. solution
Solution {f}
Aufklärung {f} [Verbrechen, Rätsel]
solution [sl.]
Haschischöl {n}
2 Words: Others
chem. material in solution {adj}gelöst [in Lösung]
chem. in solution {adv}in einer Lösung
tech. solution annealed {adj} {past-p}lösungsgeglüht
chem. solution-based {adj}lösungsbasiert
solution-focused {adj}lösungsorientiert
solution-orientated {adj}lösungsorientiert
solution-oriented {adj}lösungsorientiert
2 Words: Verbs
to await solutioneine Lösung erwarten
2 Words: Nouns
chem. absorbing solutionAbsorptionslösung {f}
chem. absorption solutionAbsorptionslösung {f}
acceptable solutionpassable Lösung {f}
med. ACD solutionACD-Stabilisator {m}
chem. acid solutionSäurelösung {f}
chem. acid solutionsaure Lösung {f}
chem. acidic solutionsaure Lösung {f}
chem. additive solutionZusatzlösung {f}
math. algebraic solutionalgebraische Lösung {f}
chem. alkaline solutionLauge {f}
chem. alkaline solutionbasische Lösung {f}
med. Alsever's solutionAlsever-Lösung {f}
alternative solutionAlternative {f}
alternative solutionAlternativlösung {f}
alternative solutionErsatzlösung {f}
alternative solutionalternative Lösung {f}
chem. americium solutionAmericiumlösung {f}
chem. ammonia solutionSalmiakgeist {m}
pharm. antiseptic solutionDesinfektionslösung {f}
electr. phys. aperiodic solutionaperiodische Lösung {f}
apparent solutionScheinlösung {f}
acad. approximate solutionAnnäherungslösung {f}
acad. approximate solutionNäherungslösung {f}
acad. approximate solutionangenäherte Lösung {f}
acad. approximation solutionNäherungslösung {f}
chem. aqueous solutionwässrige Lösung {f}
tech. automation solutionAutomationslösung {f}
tech. automation solutionAutomatisierungslösung {f}
chem. MedTech. barium solutionBariumlösung {f}
basic solutionBasislösung {f}
chem. basic solutionLauge {f} [basische Lösung]
chem. Benedict's solution [also: Benedict solution]Benedict-Lösung {f}
best solutionBestlösung {f}
best solutionoptimale Lösung {f}
chem. bleaching solutionBleichlauge {f}
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A 2024-12-12: The simplest solution is to avoid any addition, as using the plural in Eng...
A 2024-11-16: my solution for the second sentence
A 2024-01-17: Paul's solution seems reasonable
A 2023-02-15: I'm not really sure what the solution is, short of introducing hard limits...
A 2022-09-23: software solution propels the business/enterprise
Q 2022-09-22: connecting to/with the solution
Q 2020-10-16: { online }+91 8000962436 love problem solution baba ji in delhi
A 2020-09-09: Gee, I was totally blind for the simplest solution.
A 2020-05-30: I doubt that there is a ready-made solution.
A 2019-09-12: @MichaelK: formaldehyde solution - das war meine erste Idee
A 2019-04-11: Wenz's solution seems best to me
A 2019-03-13: I do hope that Paul finds a solution to this problem.
A 2019-01-11: I agree with Windfall - that sounds like a good solution.
A 2018-11-15: Best solution still would be single entries. A bit more work in the beginn...
A 2018-11-10: A solution to spv. and search
A 2018-10-23: But that's not the riddle or its solution, is it, Deseret?
A 2018-06-02: https://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/solution+space.html
A 2017-10-31: I sincerely hope for an amicable solution. (neue Zeile) Kind regards, (Name)
A 2017-08-28: We need a solution to the [spv.] vs. [Br.] controversy.
Q 2017-08-28: We need a solution to the [spv.] vs. [Br.] controversy.

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