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English-German translation for: Spanish
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Dictionary English German: Spanish

Translation 1 - 50 of 267  >>

English German
ADJ   Spanish | more Spanish | most Spanish
NOUN1   - | the Spanish
NOUN2   Spanish [language] | -
SYNO   Spanish | Spanish people
Spanish {adj}
spanisch <span.>
ling. Spanish
Spanisch {n}
the Spanishdie Spanier {pl}
2 Words: Others
colonial Spanish {adj}kolonialspanisch
He's Spanish.Er ist Spanier.
ling. in Spanish {adv}auf Spanisch
in Spanish {adv}im Spanischen
non-Spanish {adj}nichtspanisch
geogr. ling. northern Spanish {adj} [also: Northern Spanish]nordspanisch
hist. pre-Spanish {adj}vorspanisch
She's Spanish.Sie ist Spanierin.
geogr. ling. southern Spanish {adj} [also: Southern Spanish]südspanisch
Spanish-based {adj} [company, family, person etc.]in Spanien ansässig [Unternehmen, Familie, Person etc.]
Spanish-based {adj} [person]in Spanien lebend
Spanish-born {adj}in Spanien geboren
Spanish-language {adj} [attr.]spanischsprachig
ling. Spanish-speaking {adj}spanischsprachig
ling. Spanish-speaking {adj}Spanisch sprechend
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to walk sb. Spanishjdn. rausschmeißen [ugs.]
to walk sb. Spanish [idiom]jdn. vor die Tür setzen [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
ling. Argentine Spanishargentinisches Spanisch {n}
ling. Chilean Spanishchilenisches Spanisch {n}
ling. Colombian Spanishkolumbianisches Spanisch {n}
ling. Iberian Spanish[Spanisch, wie es in Spanien gesprochen wird]
ling. Judeo-Spanish [Ladino]Judenspanisch {n}
ling. Mexican Spanishmexikanisches Spanisch {n}
ling. Old Spanish [Medieval Spanish, Old Castilian language]Altspanisch {n}
ling. Peruvian Spanishperuanisches Spanisch {n}
ling. Philippine Spanishphilippinisches Spanisch {n}
ling. Rioplatense SpanishRio-de-la-Plata-Spanisch {n} [Río-de-la-Plata-Spanisch]
hist. Spanish A-frame [scavenger's daughter] [instrument of torture]Storch {m} [mittelalterliche Fessel]
geogr. ling. Spanish AmericaHispanoamerika {n}
geogr. Spanish AmericaSpanisch-Amerika {n}
hist. Spanish Armadaspanische Armada {f}
hist. Spanish bootspanischer Stiefel {m} [Folterwerkzeug]
cloth. hist. Spanish breeches {pl}Heerpauke {f}
Spanish canespanisches Rohr {n}
educ. ling. Spanish classes {pl}Spanischunterricht {m}
educ. Spanish courseSpanischkurs {m}
Spanish coursesSpanischkurse {pl}
hist. mil. Spanish Cross [for service in the Legion Condor by German Armed Forces]Spanienkreuz {n} [verliehen für den Dienst in der Legion Condor, dt. Wehrmacht]
gastr. Spanish cuisinespanische Küche {f}
educ. ling. publ. Spanish dictionarySpanischwörterbuch {n}
hist. med. Spanish fluSpanische Grippe {f}
hist. med. Spanish flu [the 1918 flu pandemic]Lungenpest {f} [ugs.] [Spanische Grippe, Grippe-Pandemie von 1918]
hist. med. Spanish flu [the 1918 flu pandemic]Blitz-Katarrh {m} [ugs.] [Spanische Grippe, Grippe-Pandemie von 1918]
Spanish girlSpanierin {f}
hist. relig. Spanish InquisitionSpanische Inquisition {f}
ling. Spanish languagespanische Sprache {f}
educ. ling. Spanish lessons {pl}Spanischunterricht {m}
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A 2024-10-28: It's Mr. Honey. I find two sources, a Spanish dictionary and an Arabic (?)...
Q 2016-04-22: If a teacher wanted to say that he passed or failed a student in Spanish, ...
A 2015-05-30: Another phenomenon: A Frenchman naturalized in the USA, his US wife and th...
Q 2013-06-07: Spanish
Q 2013-03-13: Wie sagt man "I can get you some from the Spanish clients" (Urgent bitte)
Q 2012-07-06: The OED site now has an English-German dictionary (and French, Italian and...
A 2012-02-16: It's been written by Spanish natives.
A 2012-01-12: Typo: ... French / Spanish
A 2012-01-12: German: time - manner - place; English / French/ Spanish: place–manner–time
A 2011-11-09: The devil was in her Spanish mistakes.
A 2011-05-28: In South American / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese 'English', though, good...
A 2011-01-05: PS: Even the songs of the Pyrenees or the Spanish cordilleras and sierras,...
A 2010-11-24: Some Germans fought for the Spanish Left
A 2010-11-24: I'm pretty sure there were Spanish enough who felt rather strongly about t...
A 2010-11-24: Did the Spanish, the Japanese or the Latin Americans ever hate the Germans?
A 2010-10-18: ...attached a summary in both Spanish and French, of the main points we di...
A 2010-06-08: assuming i didn't know anything about spanish, i would ask, "why do you ha...
A 2010-05-25: Without changing too much - I've started to learn a new language, Spanish ...
Q 2010-05-24: Hindi/Spanish/Italian or English ?
A 2010-05-19: Basically, a gringo is a foreigner (non-native Spanish- or non-native Por...

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