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English-German translation for: Split-Step
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Dictionary English German: Split Step

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NOUN   a split step | split steps
NOUN   der Split-Step | die Split-Steps
SEE ALSO  splitstep
sports split step [esp. in tennis]Split-Step {m} [bes. in Tennis]
sports tech. split step [also: split-step]Splitstep {n}
sports split step [esp. in tennis]Bereitschaftssprung {m} [bes. in Tennis]
Partial Matches
spec. stocks split [e.g. stock split]Split {m}
tech. split air conditionerSplit-Klimaanlage {f}
gastr. banana splitBananen-Split {n}
stat. traffic modal splitModal Split {m} [Mobilitätsverhalten von Personen, Anteile in Prozent]
chem. mix-and-split techniqueMix-Split-Technik / Mix-and-Split-Technik {f} [«Mischen-und-Trennen-Technik»]
step-by-step {adj}Stufe um Stufe [nachgestellt]
hist. step-by-step <SXS>Hubdrehwähler {m} [auch: Hebdrehwähler]
step-by-step {adj}in einzelnen Schritten
step-by-step {adj}nach und nach
step-by-step {adj}Schritt für Schritt
step-by-step changesukzessive Veränderung {f}
step-by-step developmentstufenweise Entwicklung {f}
step-by-step movementschrittweiser Vorschub {m}
bot. T
step-by-step operationEinzelschrittbetrieb {m}
step-by-step planStufenplan {m}
electr. step-by-step resistorStufenwiderstand {m}
math. tools split box [teaching tool]Split-Box {f} [Schüttelbox]
comp. med. spec. split brain [also split-brain]Split Brain {n}
med. split liver transplantation <SLT>Split-Lebertransplantation {f} <SLT>
step-by-step {adj}Einzelschritt-
step-by-step {adj}etappenweise
step-by-step {adj}schrittweise
bot. T
bot. T
games split pot [poker]Split-Pott {m} [Poker]
MedTech. RadioTV split screen functionSplit-Screen-Funktion {f}
film tech. step-printingStep-Printing {n} [selten auch Stehkader-Verfahren]
step-by-step guideSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung {f}
step-by-step instructionSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung {f}
chem. split-and-combine techniqueSplit-and-Combine-Technik {f}
dance mus. cross-step waltzCross-Step-Walzer {m}
dent. step-back techniqueStep-back-Technik {f}
chem. tech. step-down reactionStep-down-Reaktion {f}
dent. step-down techniqueStep-down-Technik {f}
film F Step Up [Anne Fletcher]Step Up
film F Step Up 2 the Streets [Jon Chu]Step Up to the Streets
mus. Two StepTwo Step {m} [Paartanz]
geogr. RadioTV SplitSplit {n}
psych. twelve-step programme <12-step programme> [Br.]Zwölf-Schritte-Programm {n} <12-Schritte-Programm>
split {past-p} {adj}aufgespalten
split {adj} {past-p}gespalten
split {adj} {past-p}gespaltet
split {adj} {past-p}geteilt
split {adj}getrennt
splitBruch {m}
splitKluft {f}
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