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English-German translation for: Springer
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Dictionary English German: Springer

Translation 1 - 29 of 29


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NOUN   a springer | springers
SYNO   springer | springer spaniel | impost ... 
NOUN   der Springer | die Springer
SYNO   Docke | Springer
games knight [chess]
Springer {m} [Schach]
jobs floater
Springer {m}
sports jumper
Springer {m}
sports vaulter
Springer {m} [bes. Stabhochspringer]
sports diver
Springer {m} [Turmspringer etc.]
sports skipper [e.g. rope skipper]
Springer {m} [Seilspringer etc.]
archi. springer
Anfänger {m} [unterster Wölbstein eines Gewölbebogens]
zool. T
jobs spare manSpringer {m}
jobs stand-inSpringer {m}
jobs stand-by manSpringer {m}
mus. jackSpringer {m} [Cembalo]
gastr. jobs roundsman [fills in as needed on stations in the kitchen]Springer {m} [ugs. für: Chef Tournant]
gastr. jobs floater cook [coll.]Springer {m} [ugs. für: Chef Tournant]
gastr. jobs swing cook [coll.]Springer {m} [ugs. für: Chef Tournant]
med. circulatorSpringer {m} [z. B. ein operationstechnischer Assistent]
jobs springer [obs.] [watchmaker]Uhrmacher {m}
2 Words
mus. dogleg jackabgestufter Springer {m} [Cembalo]
sports bungee jumperBungee-Springer {m}
(young) greenhorn [Am.] [coll.]junger Springer {m} [ugs.] [junger, unerfahrener Mensch]
sports V-style jumper [ski jumping]V-Springer {m} [Skispringen]
4 Words
hist. Louis II the Jumper [1042-1123, Landgrave of Thuringia]Ludwig {m} II. der Springer [Landgraf von Thüringen]
5+ Words
games proverb A knight on the rim is dim. [chess]Ein Springer am Rand bringt Kummer und Schand. [Schach]
games proverb A knight on the rim is grim. [chess]Ein Springer am Rand bringt Kummer und Schand. [Schach]
games to promote a pawn to a knight [pawn promotion in chess]einen Bauern in einen Springer umwandeln [Bauernumwandlung in einer Schachpartie]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Leap-Frog [Hans Christian Andersen]Der Springer
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
fish T
zool. T
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Q 2018-11-12: junger Spund ist lt. Duden [ugs.] ... FRAGE: Sind der junge Spritzer und d...
Q 2013-07-28: Springer-Verlag verkauft Zeitungen und Zeitschriften
A 2012-01-25: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Seitensprung Springer is the person involved ....
Q 2011-05-25: Springer (Aushilfe im Journalismus)
A 2010-01-08: @Martin: thanks for the 'Springer'!
A 2008-07-18: Der Springer link ...
A 2008-02-01: Ersatz- / Springer- .....
A 2007-08-20: Dogger is a Great Dane, like you said, but your Fudge is a Springer/Wachte...
A 2007-07-02: also the name of the best (and most annoying) springer spaniel in the worl...

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• Springer

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