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English-German translation for: Stadium
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Dictionary English German: Stadium

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NOUN   a stadium | stadiums/stadia
SYNO   arena | bowl | sports stadium ... 
NOUN   das Stadium | die Stadien
SYNO   Etappe | Phase | Stadium ... 
educ. elementary {adj}im frühen Stadium [nachgestellt]
archi. sports stadium
Stadion {n}
Stadium {n}
state [phase, stage]
Stadium {n}
Stadium {n}
Stadium {n}
Abschnitt {m}
Phase {f}
sports stadium
Arena {f}
Stufe {f}
med. acuteness [illness]akutes Stadium {n} [Krankheit]
declineletztes Stadium {n}
incipiencyerstes Stadium {n}
stadiumEntwicklungsphase {f}
stadiumEntwicklungsstufe {f}
sports stadiumSportstadion {n}
2 Words: Nouns
sports (stadium) standRang {m} [Stadionrang]
sports (stadium) standStadionrang {m}
advanced stagefortgeschrittenes Stadium {n}
med. catarrhal stagekatarrhalisches Stadium {n}
med. clinical stage [e.g. of a cancer]klinisches Stadium {n} [z. B. eines Krebses]
pol. committee stageStadium {n} der Beratung in den Ausschüssen
convalescent stageStadium {n} der Genesung
early stagefrühes Stadium {n}
zool. Edwardsia stageEdwardsia-Stadium {n} [auch: Edwardsiastadium]
embryonic stageembryonales Stadium {n}
philos. ethical stage [ethical level]ethisches Stadium {n} [Kierkegaard]
sports floodlit stadiumFlutlichtstadion {n}
sports floodlit stadiumStadion {n} mit Flutlicht
archi. sports football stadium [Br.]Fußballstadion {n}
archi. sports gymnastics stadiumGymnastikstadion {n}
archi. sports ice stadiumEisstadion {n}
biol. zool. larval stagelarvales Stadium {n}
zool. metanaupliar stageMetanauplius-Stadium {n}
national stadiumNationalstadion {n}
zool. naupliar stageNauplius-Stadium {n}
archi. sports Olympic stadiumOlympiastadion {n}
med. preproliferative stagepräproliferatives Stadium {n}
sports Rose BowlRose-Bowl-Stadium {n}
archi. sports soccer stadium [Am.]Fußballstadion {n}
archi. sports sports stadiumSportstadion {n}
market. sports stadium advertisingStadionwerbung {f}
sports stadium announcerStadionsprecher {m}
sports stadium announcer [female]Stadionsprecherin {f}
sports stadium areaStadionbereich {m}
sports stadium atmosphereStadionatmosphäre {f} [auch: Stadion-Atmosphäre]
stadium attendanceStadionbesuch {m}
sports stadium banStadionsperre {f}
sports stadium ban [football]Stadionverbot {n}
stadium capacityZuschauerkapazität {f} [eines Stadions]
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A 2015-01-22: für jeden Abschnitt / für jedes Stadium Verfahrensziele vorgeben und deren...
Q 2015-01-10: open air stadium (sports)
A 2014-09-15: 50,000 people in a stadium, clapping in time (in unison), so it sounds as ...
A 2014-03-20: Wenn ich die Erklärung (Phase - Stadium) lese, scheinen sie mir als Synony...
A 2013-02-07: Typo: Stadium ==> Stadion
A 2011-08-01: @ ddr - Stadium ?
A 2011-04-19: created (and edited) stadium scoreboard slides on the computer
A 2011-03-12: Wandelhalle in einem Stadion (Stadion <> stadium)
A 2010-09-14: ?? premorula (morula = ein Stadium bei der Zellteilung)
A 2010-08-18: Played in the driving rain of Dusseldorf's Rhein stadium, this game took . . .
A 2010-07-17: Authorities here means those in charge of the stadium, the stadium management.
Q 2010-07-17: stadium authorities
A 2010-07-15: Pardon: "Stadion", nicht Stadium
A 2010-07-15: In diesem Stadium wurden
A 2009-11-26: Hier sind die Einteilungen in GRAD und in STADIUM
A 2008-08-31: Etwa: Niveau des sprachlichen Könnens, Niveau der Sprachbeherrschung / +st...
A 2008-08-10: Bist du schon in dem Stadium, in dem du Deutsch und Englisch verwechselst?
A 2007-11-03: Stadion/Stadium
A 2007-11-03: Es heißt Stadion. Ein Stadium haben nur irgendwelche sich teilenden Zellen.
A 2007-09-27: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22curve+of+the+stadium%22&sourceid=navclie...

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